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Caution: Test rides can be hazardous to your wallet



Well I never could get that test ride I took last February on the K1300GT out of my head. Even after putting another 10K miles on a very nice R1200RT I couldnt resist. So I finally made the trade. What a rocket.


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Use the cruise whenever you can, will save you from the "OH SHIITT" moments.

Well I never could get that test ride I took last February on the K1300GT out of my head. Even after putting another 10K on a very nice R1200RT I couldnt resist.
So I finally made the trade. What a rocket.
Thanks for the warning! I keep resisting getting out on a K bike ... now I know why. :p
test ride

I did the same thing...test drive and buy. at first the missus thought I was crazy with the economy in michigan being what it is and all, but then she looked in the driveway and said, oohhh nice bike. if she wasn't 38 weeks pregnant, she'd have jumped right on for a ride!!!here's what your bike will look like pinstriped!


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