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BMW R20 Concept Shown

In the world of Hot Rodding there is no substitution for Cubes. However as I am getting older I look more toward a lighter bike. I am always drawn to a heritage style cafe bike and this concept bike looks fun but must weigh a lot. Why doesn't BMW develop a smaller displacement Turbo charged bike? The Boxer layout lends itself to some creative twin turbo configurations. Honda had the CX500 and CX650 turbo that produced a reasonable amount of power and were fun. The pursuit of bigger is off my radar I'm afraid.
I’ve wanted that engine in a /2 or R100 seating position since it was introduced. It’s about time.


That targa topped roadster in the back ground is a hopeful sign that BMW is done building bricks that look like mole rats and has rediscovered graceful, elegant design. The Neue Klasse designs from the last few months gave me hope. That thing is spectacular and the car mags are all in love with it.

Rightly so.

But that bike is right in my wheelhouse. Damn.
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The 2 sided cast swingarm looks better than the swingarm on the R1800.
I still think the exposed driveshaft is a bad idea.
The 2 sided cast swingarm looks better than the swingarm on the R1800.
I still think the exposed driveshaft is a bad idea.
I don’t want to go anywhere on it. ;) That thing looks built for posing around town like a cafe bike as Mission #1.

I wonder how Ujoints are holding up on the R18s?. The ones under my truck are 25 years old and hanging in there. But yeah, I feel ya. :D

That ring mount on the R18s makes me swoon a little. It’s hard to get a good look here, but it looks like it has a parallelogram arrangement with upper and lower control arms? Do I see that right? That’d be interesting. It’d keep the wheelbase from changing through the wheel’s travel, like a car suspension, but sideways.

I think the last time I saw that was on the “Dr. John” racing Guzzis. I’m really intrigued by this thing. I’ve gotta wonder if they’re planning various seats, bars, subframe, etc at the level of variety the R18 has. I’ll take a bench seat with rear cowl and an S fairing with lowish bars. Basically, a modern version of my /2 or airhead.

Or an RS because that model needs to return to the lineup and I’ve lived them for almost 50 years.:heart
I wonder how Ujoints are holding up on the R18s?. The ones under my truck are 25 years old and hanging in there. But yeah, I feel ya.
I was thinking of the safety problem.

If the concept bike runs, I bet it's loud with that exhaust :)
Good luck selling a 50hp motorcycle with those looks. That's why they built the R18 and R12 9T, IMHO.
Don't want to get accused of bashing someone's R18, but have you seen the heavy dealer discounts and low resale value of those beasts?
Don't want to get accused of bashing someone's R18, but have you seen the heavy dealer discounts and low resale value of those beasts?
Beside the point.

Without wanting to offend anyone, and I know there are many dedicated owners, the R1200C was the ugliest BMW, and possibly the ugliest motorcycle, ever made.