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Black Hills Rendezvous Steak Dinner and Special Guest Speaker - Wendy Crockett 2019 IBR Winner


'21 R1250 GS Adv
Special Guest Speaker - Wendy Crockett is an American long-distance motorcycle rider. In 2019, Crockett achieved a historic milestone by becoming the first woman to win the Iron Butt Rally, an 11-day, 11,000-mile motorcycle endurance event often referred to as "The World's Toughest Motorcycle Competition."

In 2022, together with her riding partner, Ian McPhee, Wendy Crockett accomplished a remarkable feat by earning a Guinness World Record for the longest motorcycle journey in a single country as a team, becoming the first ever to achieve this prestigious record.

Hear Wendy describe her experiences and enjoy a grilled NY Strip!

Saturday Night Steak Dinner purchase and Black Hills Rendezvous registration is now open

The Black Hills Rendezvous Saturday, June 22nd, 2024 Steak dinner - $35 for 12-14 oz NY Strip Steak, Salad, Baked Potatoe, and Desert.
The dinner will be held in the North Picnic Shelter in the Spearfish City Park, walking distance from the Spearfish City Campground, and about 1 mile from the Best Western Lodge our "non-rally" HQ.

The cutoff for ordering dinner will be June 14th to give my butcher time to order/prepare,

Saturday Night Steak Dinner purchase and Black Hills Rendezvous registration