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Black Hills Rendezvous Touring/DUAL SPORT/ADV Bike - "Non-Rally" 20-23 June 2024 - Registration and Dinner Now Open


'21 R1250 GS Adv
Black Hills Rendezvous Touring/DUAL SPORT/ADV Bike - "Non-Rally" 20-23 June 2024

The Black Hills Rendezvous is a loosely structured gathering of riders here to ride various types of motorcycles on various kinds of roads and trails while sharing the experiences and socializing with their brothers and sisters. This will be the third Rendezvous I've organized here in the Black Hills since 2014. We usually have about 60 attendees.

Tour the Black Hills - See Mount Rushmore, Devil's Tower, Iron Mountain Road, Needles Highway, Spearfish Canyon, Vanocker Canyon, Nemo Road and tour the Badlands.

Ride the new Black Hills BDR-X Routes https://ridebdr.com/news/get-on-adv-fest-black-hills-sd-2023/

Ride the Dakota Adventure Loop - The DAKAL https://www.dakotaadventureloop.com/

Saturday Night Steak Dinner purchase and Black Hills Rendezvous registration is now open - Saturday Night Steak Dinner purchase and Black Hills Rendezvous registration


HOTEL INFO: The Black Hills Lodge (Best Western) is right off of I-90 at Spearfish Exit 12, there is a good family restaurant "The Millstone" across the parking lot, and the hotel has a Beer and Wine Bar.



1. The Black Hills Lodge has set 30 total rooms aside for us, arriving on 6/20/2024 (Thursday) and departing on 6/23/2024 (Sunday) Room Rates are as follows:

Room Type--------------------6/20/2024------------6/21/2024------------6/22/2024
2 Queen Beds Upstairs---------$144---------------------$209-------------------$209
2 Queen Beds Downstairs------$154---------------------$219-------------------$219
1 King Bed------------------------$154---------------------$219-----------------$219
*Rates do not include tax.

2. They will hold the rooms until April 30th with the rates above.
After April 30th, we can still book the rooms at these rates; however, the rooms will be subject to availability at the time of their booking.
3. To get these rates one must call and make the reservation at 605-642-7795. You can speak with anyone who answers the phone and reference the group Black Hills Rendezvous to access the room block and the rates above—24-hour cancellation policy - this is "Prime Season" here in the Black Hills.

Dan Hodges | General Manager | dan@bestwesternblackhills.com
Black Hills Lodge
540 E Jackson Blvd | Spearfish, SD 57783
P: (605) 642-7795 | F: (605) 642-7219

CAMPING OPTION: https://www.cityofspearfish.com/185/Campground

I look forward to meeting and sharing with all. PM me for any additional info.

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Black Hills Rendezvous Saturday Night Steak Dinner purchase and registration is now open

Special Guest Speaker - Wendy Crockett
is an American long-distance motorcycle rider. In 2019, Crockett achieved a historic milestone by becoming the first woman to win the Iron Butt Rally, an 11-day, 11,000-mile motorcycle endurance event often referred to as "The World's Toughest Motorcycle Competition."
In 2022, together with her riding partner, Ian McPhee, Wendy Crockett accomplished a remarkable feat by earning a Guinness World Record for the longest motorcycle journey in a single country as a team, becoming the first ever to achieve this prestigious record.

Listen to Wendy describe her experiences and enjoy a grilled NY Strip!

The Black Hills Rendezvous Saturday, June 22nd, 2024 Steak dinner - $35 for 12-14 oz NY Strip Steak, Salad, Baked Potatoe, and Desert.
The dinner will be held in the North Picnic Shelter in the Spearfish City Park, walking distance from the Spearfish City Campground, and about 1 mile from the Best Western Lodge our "non-rally" HQ.

The cutoff for ordering dinner will be June 14th to give my butcher time to order/prepare,
Saturday Night Steak Dinner purchase and Black Hills Rendezvous registration
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Looks like about 24 signed up for supper so far - if you know you are coming and haven't signed up please do so, I'd like to be able to get this handled before Brian (Festar) and I take off for Georgia!
Dinner now at 40.

Friday evening at 1700 (5:00 pm) we will have a Motorcycle Crash First Aid presentation for all those interested. The presentation will be conducted by a local AirAmbulance Paramedic experienced in motorcycle crash scene management.
Special Guest Speaker - Wendy Crockett is an American long-distance motorcycle rider. In 2019, Crockett achieved a historic milestone by becoming the first woman to win the Iron Butt Rally, an 11-day, 11,000-mile motorcycle endurance event often referred to as "The World's Toughest Motorcycle Competition."
In 2022, together with her riding partner, Ian McPhee, Wendy Crockett accomplished a remarkable feat by earning a Guinness World Record for the longest motorcycle journey in a single country as a team, becoming the first ever to achieve this prestigious record.

Listen to Wendy describe her experiences and enjoy a grilled NY Strip!
link to register and purchase your steak - https://attacktheroad.com/atrstore/product/2024-black-hills-non-rally/
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On this day of June 3rd, a few of us are enjoying the Black Hills for a couple days as we proceed west. May your weather replicate the fantastic conditions we’re now enjoying.
Beautiful place.
Things to do along the Black Hills BDR-X

@BigJohnsSD are you gonna create a SpotWalla event page?

Here is the link to view the Event Spotwalla location sharing page

If it asks you for a Password, the password to view is " Rendezvous "

Here is the link to Join the Event Spotwalla location sharing page:

The password to join is " Rendezvous "