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Best Western Coach House Springfield

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Hello --

Late last year I made a reservation at the Best Western Coach House in Springfield for the nights of June 16 and 17 (checkout on June 18).

Unfortunately, it is becoming clear that I won't make it to the rally, so I'll have to cancel my reservation.

I don't know if it would help anyone but I would be happy to coordinate my cancellation, if someone wanted to quickly try to book the room (I'm also not certain if that would even work).

If anyone would like to try, just let me know. Otherwise I'll cancel later this evening.
Please let us know how this works out so we can delete the thread. This will keep people from trying you after this has been settled.
The Moderator Team.
I definitely will. If I don't hear from anyone I'll cancel my reservation tonight, and will update this post for deletion.

Thanks --
Have run into a scheduling problem and won’t make the rally, so as I type this my wife is calling the BWCH motel to cancel our reservation for a room with two queens, so FWIW that room will be open. And ok by me for this message to vanish when the thread is deleted.

No big surprise, the rates have gone up.
When we made our reservation last year the rate was $61 for one queen bed.
Now a room with 2 queen beds is $179.
Great. Thanks.
I will leave it up for a short time which will let those considering your offer know it’s concluded.
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