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Cancelling Room at Best Western Rama Inn Redmond

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Well-known member
I will be cancelling a room at the Best Western Rama Inn in Redmond. If anyone has interest let me know today.
It's for Wed thru Sun 2-queen beds and rate is total with taxes $699.
Will cancel tomorrow AM.
Please advise on the outcome of this so a moderator can delete the post.
The Moderator Team
I will be cancelling a room at the Best Western Rama Inn in Redmond. If anyone has interest let me know today.
It's for Wed thru Sun 2-queen beds and rate is total with taxes $699.
Will they let you transfer another person to your rate?
Looks like the rate during the rally is now up to $359 a night.
What a buddy did was call them on sort of a 3 way call and they changed the credit card # to the person taking the room. It was another one of our riding buddies. I'd be willing to work with anyone wanting the room. Could add them to the reservation since there are 2 beds and they could use their card at checkin. Something like that would work. Not sure they change the reservation to a totally new name.
What a buddy did was call them on sort of a 3 way call and they changed the credit card # to the person taking the room. It was another one of our riding buddies. I'd be willing to work with anyone wanting the room. Could add them to the reservation since there are 2 beds and they could use their card at checkin. Something like that would work. Not sure they change the reservation to a totally new name.
Makes sense (y)
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