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2021 MOA Rally Picture Thread

I/we appreciate your posting some shots to the general public.

U posted several pix of the latest MOA President; Bye Wes - Hello Reece Mullins (who's eXpediting himself back to AL in the X5)!

And do note that next June's rally is only scheduled for Three Days: 16-18 June 2022; Ozark Empire Fairgrounds in Springfield... A centralized US location so many more people should be able to attend!

Look into signing up before 31July for a BIG D-I-S-C-O-U-N-T.
And do note that next June's rally is only scheduled for Three Days: 16-18 June 2022; ]

We already have a motel reservation.
I think the Thursday, Friday and Saturday rally is normal, except the mid week Texas rally.
Sunday is normally a pack up and depart day.
Thanks for sharing the pictures, Adam.

For those of us that couldn't make it, it's always nice to see the happy faces, the bikes, and a view of how things went.

Thank you everyone for the kind comments! I knew posting 129 photos here would be too much so I'm glad you all didn't mind clicking through the link. It's nicer to hotlink them here.

The only thing I couldn't capture were some aerial photos. I wanted some 50 foot elevation drone images of all of the tents but being so close to the airport made that impossible.

I sent these photos to the ON editor Bill. I hope one or two are worth publishing.
Thank you everyone for the kind comments! I knew posting 129 photos here would be too much so I'm glad you all didn't mind clicking through the link. It's nicer to hotlink them here.

Just out of curiosity, does Flickr not have the ability to do an embed in a 3rd-party web page?

I host my pics on SmugMug and it has that ability….

Wouldn’t you know I forgot my camera and lenses this trip? :ha
Just out of curiosity, does Flickr not have the ability to do an embed in a 3rd-party web page?

I host my pics on SmugMug and it has that ability….

Wouldn’t you know I forgot my camera and lenses this trip? :ha

It doesn’t have an ‘embed code’ sort of option that gives you a PHPBB/Forum/JavaScript code but you can open a photo, click the up and to the right arrow (bottom right hand corner of an image) and click “all sizes” then you can right click and copy image address then on this forum do the standard [IMG.][./IMG] (added periods to show it) embed and that works fine. Just for 129 of them, I didn’t want to spend all day copy & pasting. :p


Carrying a bunch of photography gear is a gift and curse. I LOVE having a full frame camera on me on my trips but the 5D + 24-70 take up my entire tank bag. It’s a hefty kit but I always am happy when I get home and see the photos.
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So, the pictures are there just the connivence link disappears? It’s a great representation of the rally and it would be a shame to loose them if they were “hot linked” into this thread.
I will join the others in thanking you for your effort Adam. :bow

Carrying a bunch of photography gear is a gift and curse. I LOVE having a full frame camera on me on my trips but the 5D + 24-70 take up my entire tank bag. It’s a hefty kit but I always am happy when I get home and see the photos.

Here is how I used to carry my cameras, lenses and MacBook Pro…. Everything fit into that 65L Jesse Top Box… camera at the ready in the tank bag.

As a business owner, I could get time in the summer to go to rallies, but they were “workvations.”

Here is how I used to carry my cameras, lenses and MacBook Pro…. Everything fit into that 65L Jesse Top Box… camera at the ready in the tank bag.

As a business owner, I could get time in the summer to go to rallies, but they were “workvations.”


A fellow rider of culture :) I have successfully been able to transition to iPad Pro for travel w/ the case-keyboard combo. No moving parts so no concern is damage and it's a lot thinner and lighter than the laptop. I actually when I ran a top box did the exact same thing. A couple of years ago, I took my Jesse Top Box off because I started to pack much less stuff and moved to a LowePro Backpack that I strap to the tail:


...the forum mods will shut us down for being off-topic but I am a fan of that setup. It's not locked or secure but it makes getting to my gear fast w/o the top case and if we're doing gnarly terrain, I move the 5D + 24-70 to my Mosko tank bag and leave the bag behind at camp.
1 Bryce Canyon


2 Grand Teton


3 Monument Valley

thumbnail (1).jpeg

4 Montana ???


5 Montana ???


6 Idaho ???

thumbnail (2).jpeg

7 Utah ???

thumbnail (3).jpeg

8 Utah ???

thumbnail (4).jpeg

9 Monument Valley

thumbnail (5).jpeg

10 Arizona ???

thumbnail (6).jpeg

11 Idaho ???

thumbnail (7).jpeg


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That 2nd Utah shot Motor32… get you a poster made of that and put it away.
About 25 years from now it will be a treasure for you.

Fantastic image of bike and travel experience.
That 2nd Utah shot Motor32… get you a poster made of that and put it away.
About 25 years from now it will be a treasure for you.

Fantastic image of bike and travel experience.

Thanks, it's hard to take a bad picture out west. Point and click as taught at the "Stevie Wonder School of Photography".
