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2021 MOA Rally Picture Thread

omega man

Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat
Staff member
Headed for The Rally?
Going to be at The Rally?
Have a way to take a picture?
Visiting cool šŸ˜Ž places on your way to and from The Rally?
Letā€™s post them up in this thread!
If you are not sure how to post one here on the forum, click on Mod Squad in my sig line and pick a Moderator to help you out.
Have a Great Rally

The guest room has become sorting and packing central. The clothes Iā€™m taking have been treated with pyrethrum as has Glenlivetā€™s sleeping pad to keep fleas and ticks away. Cooking stuff and dehydrated food packed. My First Aid (for little owies) and Oh **** Kit (for trauma) have been refreshed. Maintenance on the sidecar rig is complete. The route from Vermont to the Pacific coast of California and Oregon then back to the rally has been created.

Glenlivet and I start our adventure in three weeks!


PS - Darn, I forgot to rotate the image!
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I just wanted to say in advance, Iā€™m going to work my bum off at the rally this year to get you all as many photos as I can. My ā€˜themeā€™ if I can be so bold as to pre-announce my editorial theme will be ā€œFriendshipsā€ I want to really photograph the smiles, moments and candies of people so happy to be back with their friends and smiling faces and just great moments. I hope I get a lot of them. Going to spend 3 full days on foot just photographing moments.
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The guest room has become sorting and packing central. The clothes Iā€™m taking has been treated with pyrethrum as has Glenlivetā€™s sleeping pad to keep fleas and ticks away. Cooking stuff and dehydrated food packed. My First Aid (for little owies) and Oh **** Kit (for trauma) have been refreshed. Maintenance on the sidecar rig is complete. The route from Vermont to the Pacific coast of California and Oregon then back to the rally has been created.

Glenlivet and I start our adventure in three weeks!


PS - Darn, I forgot to rotate the image!

Too funny !! And I thought I was the only one who uses the guest room as a "staging area" for my trip gear !!
I just wanted to say in advance, Iā€™m going to work my bum off at the rally this year to get you all as many photos as I can. My ā€˜themeā€™ if I can be so bold as to pre-announce my editorial theme will be ā€œFriendshipsā€ I want to really photograph the smiles, moments and candies of people so happy to be back with their friends and smiling faces and just great moments. I hope I get a lot of them. Going to spend 3 full days on foot just photographing moments.

Great idea.... how about you get a few more interested/talented members members together and reconstitute the Rally Photo Team? Post the stuff on social and here on the Forum, and in our MMS so that people who can't come can enjoy the party. Maybe do some paid posts to reach prospective new members?

Perhaps put together a Keynote show for the Closing Ceremonies?













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Don't care who posts but photos are the best! Since we all know without a photo it did not happen :D
I am seeing photos that have to be photoshopped or bootlegged into this thread. I am seeing photos with people who appear less than 40 years old (and I don't mean the Camp Gears folks). These youngsters can't be at an MOA rally can they? :)
I am seeing photos that have to be photoshopped or bootlegged into this thread. I am seeing photos with people who appear less than 40 years old (and I don't mean the Camp Gears folks). These youngsters can't be at an MOA rally can they? :)

The photographer did that intentionally:evil

You can never trust those marketing types...
Too funny !! And I thought I was the only one who uses the guest room as a "staging area" for my trip gear !!

Two weeks ago after returning from Texas I washed our stuff and it's waiting in the basement bedroom ready for a trip to Virginia in a couple weeks. :)

Great idea.... how about you get a few more interested/talented members members together and reconstitute the Rally Photo Team? Post the stuff on social and here on the Forum, and in our MMS so that people who can't come can enjoy the party. Maybe do some paid posts to reach prospective new members?

Perhaps put together a Keynote show for the Closing Ceremonies?

Great photos. I always wait to get back home to edit my pictures then post the best..usually 5% of the ones I take get posted. I hope I can sync up with a few other people and assemble a 'photo team'
Great photos. I always wait to get back home to edit my pictures then post the best..usually 5% of the ones I take get posted. I hope I can sync up with a few other people and assemble a 'photo team'

I am the same way, when it comes to editing.

That said, thereā€™s a lot of brand value in publishing some pics while the rally is on and a team effort would increase the volume. I think itā€™s important to remember that a lot of members cannot get enough time off work, or simply cannot afford a ride to our rally. Creating a sense of belonging (and involvement) is a central pillar of our brand.

Frankly, we make a huge investment in our rally, and beyond pleasing members who cannot attend, I feel we fail to have a disciplined strategy to leverage the investment into a recruitment effort to make new members. Over the years I have provided our leaders with a number of suggestions for ways to do this... none have been implemented.

We should be doing the same thing with our Getaways. Maybe we could direct our paid staff to expend the effort to assemble/guide these teams of volunteers? There is great strength in numbers.


Ps -> Chuck Manley, one of my MOA mentors once said ā€œwe need to remember that a lot of our members live tire-to-tire.ā€

Pps -> a closing ceremony show full of pictures from the event is a classic event promotion strategy. If we were to live-stream something like that we could say to the people who put on the *endless* promo videos in our closing ceremonies that we are providing far more reach in return for their investment.
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I always wait to get back home to edit my pictures then post the best..'

I find it easier to deal with pictures on my computer at home but the last few years I have learned how to resize my pictures on my phone and post a few while on the road.
This forum is one of the easier ones for me to post pictures from my phone.
We should be doing the same thing with our Getaways. Maybe we could direct our paid staff to expend the effort to assemble/guide these teams of volunteers? There is great strength in numbers.

I wish more people would do a little report with pictures on the Getaways.
The one member form Arizona with the K1600GT does a great job of this on the Getaways he and his wife attends.
I agree that people prefer to see a photo of something that 'just happened' thanks to social media. I'm a total luddite when it comes to social media. I'm still shooting with a full frame SLR and a backpack full of lenses and a big tripod. I can edit photos on an iPad but it's just stressful to deliver 'dailies' when I'm just taking photos for fun and not being paid. My instagram account which I only created because people kept asking for it is just photos I've taken whenever..not today but some are months old. I just schedule photos to post to Instagram a month in advance, log out and let the photos auto post.

I personally get a LOT more pride from my ride reports that take a 2 week trip and distill it down to 100 photos, one daily video and one daily blog post from my eyes and make those one post each. It's counter to how people consume content now but I guess to be selfish, I get pride out of my way of delivering media and if it's not how people want it, they don't have to read it :p

So my plan for Montana is shoot photos, get home, edit them and deliver a drop box folder to Bill W and share a few favorites here. If someone wants to swap SD cards with me every day and post / edit my photos, I'd love to partner with someone who wants to do that.

I know the internet is hard to interpret, I'm not being a jerk here I just like to have photo mode and edit mode live separately for me personally. I'm sort of a one-track mind kind of guy when it comes to creative pursuits.
A good report with pictures helps preserve an event and inspire others to give the next event a try. If someone is serious about putting together an involved ride report, we have a section of the forum that can be used for that.
Having photos attached to the forum insure that the pictures remain on the forum should an ā€œoff-siteā€ hosting plan end.
Have a great rally.
I agree that people prefer to see a photo of something that 'just happened' thanks to social media. I'm a total luddite when it comes to social media. I'm still shooting with a full frame SLR and a backpack full of lenses and a big tripod..

I no longer carry a SLR but still carry a compact camera because I like having a optical zoom.
I wait until I return home to deal with pictures taken with the camera.
A good report with pictures helps preserve an event and inspire others to give the next event a try. If someone is serious about putting together an involved ride report, we have a section of the forum that can be used for that.
Having photos attached to the forum insure that the pictures remain on the forum should an ā€œoff-siteā€ hosting plan end.
Have a great rally.

I'll probably do that periodically (looks like much of our route will have spotty cell coverage and no wifi). In the past I've had trouble uploading photos at the rally in real time as Internet access was often S-L-O-W

I'm still shooting with a full frame SLR and a backpack full of lenses and a big tripod.

So am I, but I take the card out of my camera, hook it up to a gadget on my phone, copy the pics to the phone and then to the cloud. Instant backup.

Upload a few to IG & FB, the rest are edited and used for other purposes later

As a member of the MOA, I get greater personal reward by making other members feel a greater sense of belonging by showing them what's happening at the rally right now, not 90 days later. :)

Also used to do this same thing from BMW press events, but I no longer contribute to the BMW ON.
