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2016 BMW GSA 12k Valve Adjustment


New member

I am looking for a reputable independent shop or dealer in the Orlando, Florida area to perform the 12k valve adjustment. I will be doing the rest of the 12k mile service, but not comfortable enough yet to do the valves.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

If you get your bike up to Rhode Island, I'll do the Cam Timing and Valve Clearance Checks for FREE.
You just pay for consumables.

Let me know.
Brad Smith

I am looking for a reputable independent shop or dealer in the Orlando, Florida area to perform the 12k valve adjustment. I will be doing the rest of the 12k mile service, but not comfortable enough yet to do the valves.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


If you're comfortable with most of the 12k service except the valves, I'm guessing the valves will still be in spec, just the gaps will need checked. I use JVB's video to do this on my laptop (no wifi in my garage). YMMV.
If you get your bike up to Rhode Island, I'll do the Cam Timing and Valve Clearance Checks for FREE.
You just pay for consumables.

Let me know.
Brad Smith

If I was closer to Rhode Island I would certainly take you up on that offer as I want to learn to do this myself, maybe someday?

As a side note I grew up in Fall River and we enjoyed going down to Newport, Tiverton, etc.

valve adjustment

I've had one valve out of adjustment in 170,000 miles and it was loose. great bike
I just did the valves on my camhead and only had one that was BARELY out on the loose end. Quick trip to the dealer to grab a shim and button it back up and she's good to go.

I know lots of folks loved the screw and lock nut adjustment, but in my opinion, the shims are easier (other than having to go pick up a shim).
CamHeads vs WetHead/ShiftHead are very, very different in the shim choices available to set the Valve Clearances desired.

With the CamHead, if you are at the limit of clearance, you have only 1 shim choice to keep it in the proper range since the Hemispherical shims are only available in 0.05mm increments.

On the WetHead/ShiftHead, the availability of 0.02mm spacing of the 8.90mm shims gives you greater latitude to hit the target clearance you really want.

I would say go to standard motorcycle in orlando but I lost track of them after they moved. Have some fun with it. Call Blockhead!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If I was closer to Rhode Island I would certainly take you up on that offer as I want to learn to do this myself, maybe someday?

As a side note I grew up in Fall River and we enjoyed going down to Newport, Tiverton, etc.


Personally, I'd say it's worth the ride. I know it was for me, and I'm 2K from Rhode Island. :scratch
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Damn! now you have me thinking!

Don't think about it. It's only @ 1000 each way. IMO, You Simply CANNOT find anyone else better to take care of your scooter than Brad. He took care of mine, after a dealer screwed it up so bad, instead of riding my 15, I chose the 07. My 15 now runs better than it ever did.

And again, it's actually a little less than 1k according to google maps - presuming I have a "close guess" to where you're actually located. I DO know where Brad is...;)
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I watched Boxflyers videos (excellent) and used the moa parts discount earlier this year to buy all $500+ worth of BMW tools for about $300.

At 50k, I had all valves within spec and cam timing was spot on. Two intakes were at the low end of spec so may have to adjust a couple next time.

I've been doing my own maintenance for 40 years but the valve service is something most mechanics can do. Checking the clearance is easy, you likely will not need to adjust anything.