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1300 gs panniers


New member
Does anyone know when the Vario panniers will be a in the US ? The dealers don’t have any information on availability. This is a major fail on BMW’s part.

I paid for them with the bike when I picked it up early last month, but no updates from my dealer yet.. In the meantime I bodged an old Wolfman Rainier tank bag I had lying around to the OEM luggage rack so I'll have to live with that until they get the varios sorted.
Thank you, I am aware of the recall, and am looking for the release date or possibly availability.
Thanks for your reply
The parts to fix the small problem of the panniers and top box falling off the bike will start arriving in Canada in the next week or two.
The parts to fix the small problem of the pannier lids opening unexpectedly while in motion do not have a delivery date in Canada yet.
The issue of the panniers and top box leaking has not yet been addressed by BMW.

Last Thursday I cancelled the Vario cases for my 1300 and immediately ordered Trax Adv cases and a top box, despite the BMW rep - who was at the dealership hosting a ride day, offering me a $500 “compensation” if I didn't cancel the panniers. It was the inability of the rep to guarantee a delivery date of the various fixes sufficiently prior to my trip to Spearfish that forced my hand.
I certainly understand. I am leaving on a 1200 mile ride in a couple days without any panniers. I will consider alternatives if I can find something acceptable
I certainly understand. I am leaving on a 1200 mile ride in a couple days without any panniers. I will consider alternatives if I can find something acceptable
Not sure what you can throw together in a couple days. The usual suspects have pannier and top box offerings, but you'd need to order racks and a top rack/carrier and install those first. I am not aware of anything other than the varios that is compatible with the stock mounting points or stock topcase carrier. You might be able to order a Mosko Reckless or similar non-rack based system and just throw that on. You could also go giant waterproof duffel across the stock tail/passenger seat and rok straps.

I'm going to hold out for the varios personally. Most of my riding is tailbag/topbox only and I like how clean/small the bike is without a rack system installed when I am not using panniers. I do wish we had a more definitive date for availability though. My tankbag/tailbag solution is ok, but if I knew it was going to be months of waiting I'd probably switch out the vario topcase carrier for something that I can use with my existing luggage and just sell it and reinstall the vario carrier after the varios arrive.
The parts to fix the small problem of the panniers and top box falling off the bike will start arriving in Canada in the next week or two.
The parts to fix the small problem of the pannier lids opening unexpectedly while in motion do not have a delivery date in Canada yet.
The issue of the panniers and top box leaking has not yet been addressed by BMW.

Last Thursday I cancelled the Vario cases for my 1300 and immediately ordered Trax Adv cases and a top box, despite the BMW rep - who was at the dealership hosting a ride day, offering me a $500 “compensation” if I didn't cancel the panniers. It was the inability of the rep to guarantee a delivery date of the various fixes sufficiently prior to my trip to Spearfish that forced my hand.
Don’t worry, they’ll get it fixed.
Early versions of BMWs removable luggage have traditionally had a small problem of falling off or open while riding. Us oldsters fondly remember the practical Krausers with the seatbelt style latches, the original and more stylish k-bike bags with corners ground off from opening on the road, broken or loose Vario “mushroom” bolt saddlebag mounts, and the metal bar added to Vario top box mount latches to improve retention. Everything eventually got fixed and many of us had interesting stories afterwards to tell of our experiences.
I find it rather ridiculous that in this day and age BMW can’t get their stuff together. It is likely all made in China as well…
Personally I’d opt for aluminum luggage from other sources..YMMV
Don’t worry, they’ll get it fixed.
Early versions of BMWs removable luggage have traditionally had a small problem of falling off or open while riding. Us oldsters fondly remember the practical Krausers with the seatbelt style latches, the original and more stylish k-bike bags with corners ground off from opening on the road, broken or loose Vario “mushroom” bolt saddlebag mounts, and the metal bar added to Vario top box mount latches to improve retention. Everything eventually got fixed and many of us had interesting stories afterwards to tell of our experiences.
Fixed eventually seems more likely than fixed in time..
I will work with the various tail bags and bags I have for this trip. I have looked at alternatives but most do not have the racks for the 1300 yet. I will likely wait for the Vario’s.

The 1300 has been out for almost a year now. Not having panniers available is inexcusable. But life goes on. Tomorrow I leave on a 1200 mile trip through Yellowstone and over the Bighorns.
I opted to buy a 1250 GS, instead of a 1300 GS, for a number of reasons. Those panniers were one of the resasons. I did not want them, and even if I did, I just assumed they would't be available when I needed them (in April). I don't regraet my choice at all, but I'm sure it's very frustrating for you.
I was fortunate to get the paniers for mine before the recall happened. I have been using them without incident. They are pretty nice and well made. I really think the issue with them opening in Europe was likely user error. I will be getting the topcase as soon as they are available and will get the fix applied to the sides once it is available but until then I will use as is.

It is great not having a rack as well as I can use my Reckless 80 setup for offroad and back country camping.
I received a call today from BMW customer service. A nice polite lady that apologized for the lack of availability of the varios and the engine guards. Unfortunately she could not provide any information as to when these products will be available. She did say that they have yet to find a solution to the Vario problem So it does not look good for a solution in the near term.
I received a call today from BMW customer service. A nice polite lady that apologized for the lack of availability of the varios and the engine guards. Unfortunately she could not provide any information as to when these products will be available. She did say that they have yet to find a solution to the Vario problem So it does not look good for a solution in the near term.

Not sure who she was but they have a solution. I saw the notice that dealers got.
Not sure who she was but they have a solution. I saw the notice that dealers got.
I read on another forum that there was a solution as well, although I have not heard anything from my dealer yet. Fingers crossed..
The fix for the bags falling off the bike is available in limited quantities in Canada. The fix for the lids opening up in transit hasn’t been addressed yet…and the fix for some bags leaking is in the future.