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BMW Motorrad Neck Tube


New member
Remember that MOA promotion back in August where you bring a little card from the Owner's News to your local dealer to receive a free BMW neck tube/warmer? Just wondering if anyone actually received one.
Bad Idea

I did not. Too many pieces to the puzzle. I dropped my form off at the dealership and the representative took it and said he was collecting them would mail them in and I would get back in the mail. He is no longer with the dealership and I have no idea if he did what he said he would do. Someone at BMW should write a letter of apology to us and provide a way to get one. My level of confidence in this wasn't high to begin with due to some of the members having issues noted in previous threads. Leaves the MOA with Mud on the face when it is not needed. :scratch
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I gave mine to Craig the owner of Kissell Motor Sports and when he said "I never heard of this and you are the first one to bring the form in" well.....I knew it was going any further and I never heard another thing about it.
Got mine

I got mine quite a while back. I used it a few weeks ago and it worked great. Temperature was 47 degrees and my neck was warm.

Just got an email from Jim Dusky about the neck tube update

Good morning,
I would like to apologize for your not receiving a gift in a timely manner.* We had a phenomenal turnout which exhausted our stock and we have not received new stock as of yet.* I will be meeting with my apparel coordinator again to find something to replace the BMW Easy Tube.
Again, my apology for the delay.* Please expect something from us in the near future.
Best regards,
James Dusky
BMW Motorrad
Events and Experiential Marketing Specialist
200 Chestnut Ridge Road
Woodcliff Lake, NJ 07677-7731