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R1250 RS panel hardware

Hi folks

I had to take some of the front body work off my 2022 R1250RS to run some wires to my Clearwater lights. I noticed that there were two types of short torx head bolts. Some had small shoulders and some did not. I understand the ones with shoulders are designed so that they fit tight to whatever is being fastened while allowing the panels to move a bit around the rubber grommets. But, I also noticed that they didn't seem to be used everywhere they should have been and ultimately I couldn't tell which bolt went where. Any advice? (Gee, a parts list or shop manual sure would be nice... BMW people)
You can make up something like these for your model.
I have them printed at FedEx Office on 12x18 card stock, then spray some 3M 77 adhesive on 2 layers of Dollar Tree foam core board.
As soon as I remove a screw, I match it against what the microfiche says is supposed to be holding a panel on and if it's not right put it in the "Wrong Screws" area and later can see if a couple have been switched.
If they are missing, or wrong altogether, I dig into my "stash" of spare screws to correctly install all panels back to OEM.

You can download them from my Google Drive onto a flash drive to get printed.
Here's the Left side

Here's the Right side

I call them "Boxflyer Boards"


Thanks for the help! I made up some sheets for my model and ordered some spares and the next time I have it apart I'll get everything in the right spot.
Anyone found a source for bulk hardware? Buying from BMW seems cost prohibitive.