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ChatGPT - AI-based chat

I’m waiting for a couple of these AI platforms to discuss “the best oil”. ;)

It used to be said that "A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words". (Fred R. Barnard)

Now using the ChatGPT and various AI discount, the slogan has been rewritten- "A Picture is Worth Thirteen Words". :eek

At work, we've installed it on litigation support data, basically the Enron data, and it's pretty stunning to see operate. You can ask it questions like "Who was [Enron person]" and it delivers a nice summary along with links to docs in the database that support its assessment.

As a person with his hands in databases for a pretty long time, this is a whole different kind of ability to query a dataset. It uses true natural language queries, like you'd ask a person that had read every single document.
Even without AI, it became difficult to discern fact from fiction. With AI it is no longer just difficult; it is impossible. It now seems imperative to believe nothing. It is now necessary to act on everything solely in keeping with ones values. And given the state of ethics and values in the world today, this is rather frightening I think.