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Broken BRAND NEW OEM clutch cable


New member
Hello all. I replaced my original clutch cable with a brand new OEM BMW one about 4 weeks ago. Today I went our for a ride and noticed the clutch lever wasn't fully returning. I looked at it and realized all of the strands of the inner cable were broken except for two strands. So, I made it back home (one strand left attached when I got in the drive.)

I took off the new one and put on the old clutch cable. The new one was broken at the point where the metal cable is crimped to the brass ferule at the very end on the lever side (handle bars). There is an inner core wrapped with several spiraled outer strands. Everything was snapped in the same place.

Has anyone had this problem before? I looked and there are no rough edges anywhere in the clutch lever (or the larger brass pivot that the ferule slides in to).

Is this likely just a bad cable or is it becoming problematic with newer OEM cables? Anything else I should check on to prevent this on my next new cable.

oh well, luckily I was only a few blocks from home.
Clutch cable

One thing you can check, the barrel needs to be lubed at the clutch lever so it can easily pivot as the lever is pulled in. If it's not able to rotate with the movement of the lever, it will break right where yours did. The idea is for the strands to pull straight and not try to bend as they pull. I hope I explained this well enough.

Ride Safe
You may also want to look at the little white bushing at the fulcrum of the lever. Mine was worn and caused some friction. Well, that and about 3 pounds of crud in the crevice. Take the lever off and squirt some brake cleaner in there, then lube up.
You probably have the same issue on your brake lever. It is a commonly missed maintenance item. I needlessly sacrificed a clutch cable before I included it in my routine.
that and about 3 pounds of crud in the crevice.

The throttle assembly on mine had grease that was so dirty and hard that it looked like metal. It appeared that grease was being added without ever cleaning out the old stuff. I was really surprised my throttle worked at all once I saw what was in there.
Ditto to Mikeb921

Your barrel fitting is not pivoting in the lever. You must make sure the barrel is seated correctly and can pivot.