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2007 K1200R: Anyone know where the Engine Number is located?


New member

Purchased an out of state 2007 K1200R. CA requires inspecting the Engine #, but I havent been able to locate it. Any one know?
Not totally sure if it will help, but there's a thread on engine numbers listed in the Similar Thread pane near the bottom of the page.

Purchased an out of state 2007 K1200R. CA requires inspecting the Engine #, but I havent been able to locate it. Any one know?

Are you sure it is not one of those "Nigerian fake BMW" bikes direct from the Prince's fleet ?????

Friedle :scratch
Mr. Google says,

It is on the right side of the aluminum frame just under the brake pedal pivot, and under the seat on a tag welded to the left rear of the rear sub-frame.
Mr. Google says,

That's where my VIN was.
Is there a separate engine number?

Edit: Found the location of the engine number.

Try this spot.

"It is located on the right crankcase under the aluminum mounting bracket. Just about 2 O'clock from the clutch cover."

Kind of sounds like Lee's photo................

Thanks! You are in Pismo? I live in Grover Beach......

Live in Pismo, my shop's in Oceano. When I'm not on my /5, you might see me thrashing an old Dnepr sidecar rig around. I usually show up at the doughnut shop meet on Saturday mornings.
