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New BMW Connected Ride Navigator



Looks like this is intended as the replacement for the Nav VI. The literature says it was “developed in house” which to me implies no connection or partnership with Garmin or TomTom. The unit drops into the standard Nav Prep cradle and is controlled via the wonderwheel. Looks interesting, but like a lot of folks I’ll be continuing with my Nav VI until it dies or this new unit is proven to be an improvement in function and reliability.

I have the Nav VI for my F850GSA and often utilize an alternate set of backroads maps that have far better detail for getting off the beaten path. No way those will work with this unit as the maps are intended for a Garmin based GPS unit. This seems to be a way to provide the BMW app mapping on bikes that don't feature the larger TFT with the integrated maps. I have that on my new RT and am OK with using it for how I use that bike. While the app is far from perfect, it is really no worse than Garmin, just quirky in different ways. I too will stick with the Nav unit until it dies or become obsolete and then will likely go back to a Garmin unit of some sort for the GSA.
Thankfully I have procrastinated enough over my purchasing a Nav VI or a Garmin XT2. Both seem to have lots of issues reported by users. I am anxiously hoping for a much improved OEM experience with this new Connected Ride Navigator.
Those of us on GS bikes are watching closely the Garmin Tread base unit. Fits in the same mounts as the Zumo XT or the Nav Prep mount using the Italian adapter for Zumo. Road routing PLUS routeable off-Highway maps; about the only thing one gives up is the wonderwheel.


I've been using the Connected Ride app on my GS and I honestly can't think of a reason to use a traditional GPS. We all know Basecamp sucks, so if I can avoid that, I'm happy.

I've been plunking phone into the Connected Ride cradle and had a great experience. The only thing I wished it would do is allow me to control helmet volume with the wheel.
A short intro video from BMW.

<iframe width="1184" height="666" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/hRT1y7ftVfc" title="The new BMW Motorrad ConntectedRide Navigator" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>
A short intro video from BMW.

Well, just from the looks, its user interface beats the living crap out of the Garmin Zumo XT.

The cloud and traffic features are super nice.

Unfortunately, this won't work on my G/SPD+ :ha
A short intro video from BMW.

So, after watching the video my first question is this: Video says the device can be Bluetooth connected to rider and passenger headsets. Is this BMW headsets only, like the TFT, or will it allow BT connections to other brand headsets?

After all the horror stories about nav v and nav vi, I think I'll keep chugging away with my Zumo.

Plenty of problems with the VI. I have not read many reports of problems with the V or IV.
If you have Navigation Prep, the best bang for the buck is a used Nav V.
Is this BMW headsets only, like the TFT, or will it allow BT connections to other brand headsets?


The TFT will connect to the popular brands of headsets, you just don't get all the functions with some of the older versions, namely the volume control via the wunderwheel.
I can't figure out what this new device connects to for its positioning data. Does it connect to satellites like a GPS or is it just another cell phone without a phone? If the latter, they can keep it.
I am mightily disappointed with the dull and boring map interface (with labels in micro script) on this device. This is far from the standard of quality BMW stands for.
Does anyone know when we can expect an update that will make the Connected Ride Navigator 'fit for purpose'?
The beautiful photos displayed on the main menu just rub salt in the wound by showing the hi-res screen's capability.
So, after watching the video my first question is this: Video says the device can be Bluetooth connected to rider and passenger headsets. Is this BMW headsets only, like the TFT, or will it allow BT connections to other brand headsets?

No issues using it with my Cardo PackTalk bold and iPhone 14