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What about the 2022 Grand Coddiwomple?

No time to wait for one in the mail, I'm going back to work next week and will not have any riding time. Here's hoping this works?
Jus Sayin, these volunteer judges can’t even agree on the interpretation of the CW Written Rules... :banghead

Ya really need to get somebody’s buy-in before expending a lot of time & effort.

We’re spinning our wheels w/regard to the validation of State Historical Markers for 'Wander Farther' scoring. :brow

How do U spell U F B?

So, Congratulations to Ms Zoyhofski!

She outperformed many enthusiastic riders by a Large margin! :thumb

In my interpretation, with multiple tied scores in the list of finishers, Team-HSV came in tied for 24th. :deal

The MOA CW staff says next year's challenge is gonna be Bigger & Better.
They will hopefully read and revise the final Rules many times before publishing. :doh

Here’s hoping next year’s theme will be as interesting as “getting your kicks on Route 66." Our eXplorations were terminated due to an uneXpected hospitalization; our planned X-country ADVentures just didn’t pan out...

Ya’ll have a Happy and Safe New Year out there on the Highways & Byways!
Ciao! HSV-Phil & HSV-Karen

Hopefully next year has more challenge options that aren't just US region specific. There was not much for me to go after on the last one.
Hopefully more common sense on some of the rules. City Halls, Fire Dept, Police Dept (nice safe parking lot for picture) were rejected because it has to be a city limit sign (busy road and on the shoulder)? I stopped playing due to number of rejections and unbending interpretation of the rules. I get there needs to be rules but what the intent of the game should take precedence. If a city name is required then does the picture show (simple yes or no) you went there? Waiting to see what they come up with for 2023 to decide if I will play or not. Great idea they have come up with but still working out the implementation as you would expect for first 2 years. :deal
Hopefully more common sense on some of the rules. City Halls, Fire Dept, Police Dept (nice safe parking lot for picture) were rejected because it has to be a city limit sign (busy road and on the shoulder)? I stopped playing due to number of rejections and unbending interpretation of the rules. I get there needs to be rules but what the intent of the game should take precedence. If a city name is required then does the picture show (simple yes or no) you went there? Waiting to see what they come up with for 2023 to decide if I will play or not. Great idea they have come up with but still working out the implementation as you would expect for first 2 years. :deal

Interesting comments. I and the Demented Instigator cooked up the Grand Coddewomple through much of 2020 while the world was locked down with the COVID pandemic. I worked on some of the scoring for the first year in 2021, and also helped with creation of the challenges for 2022, although I did not work on the 2022 rules, or any part of the running of the 2022 Coddiwomple. I am helping out with the 2023 Challenges and Rules.

As I'm sure everyone can understand, it's not easy to come up with interesting challenges that can be clearly described and objectively judged. That last part is absolutely essential because it's the only way the event can be fair, and that many thousands of submissions can be processed quickly with a very small group of judges. During the first year we found out that several challenges could be interpreted in ways we never intended, and that alone generated many hundreds of hours of review and discussion.

Your example of, "If a city name is required then does the picture show (simple yes or no) you went there?" would be a nightmare to judge if not very, very tightly defined. What constitutes a sign that can't be faked, or mistaken for a different city in a different state? A city limits sign is one way because it lists the city and state and is placed by either the city or state government. Yes, not always in a coinvent location to park a bike, but non-the-less definitive. We do take into consideration the practicality of capturing a challenge, but since virtually none of the things which can be used for a given challenge were designed to have a bike parked near them, there are some inherent documentation difficulties that become part of the challenge, which is why you can use your face in place of your bike.

To say the Grand Coddiwomple team has learned much over the last two years isn't even close! I know everyone wants to make our third event even "better" - more interesting challenges, more clarity in the rules, better for our Canadian members, and hopefully even more fun.
Interesting comments. I and the Demented Instigator cooked up the Grand Coddewomple through much of 2020 while the world was locked down with the COVID pandemic. I worked on some of the scoring for the first year in 2021, and also helped with creation of the challenges for 2022, although I did not work on the 2022 rules, or any part of the running of the 2022 Coddiwomple. I am helping out with the 2023 Challenges and Rules.

As I'm sure everyone can understand, it's not easy to come up with interesting challenges that can be clearly described and objectively judged. That last part is absolutely essential because it's the only way the event can be fair, and that many thousands of submissions can be processed quickly with a very small group of judges. During the first year we found out that several challenges could be interpreted in ways we never intended, and that alone generated many hundreds of hours of review and discussion.

Your example of, "If a city name is required then does the picture show (simple yes or no) you went there?" would be a nightmare to judge if not very, very tightly defined. What constitutes a sign that can't be faked, or mistaken for a different city in a different state? A city limits sign is one way because it lists the city and state and is placed by either the city or state government. Yes, not always in a coinvent location to park a bike, but non-the-less definitive. We do take into consideration the practicality of capturing a challenge, but since virtually none of the things which can be used for a given challenge were designed to have a bike parked near them, there are some inherent documentation difficulties that become part of the challenge, which is why you can use your face in place of your bike.

To say the Grand Coddiwomple team has learned much over the last two years isn't even close! I know everyone wants to make our third event even "better" - more interesting challenges, more clarity in the rules, better for our Canadian members, and hopefully even more fun.

Greg I think you are a little confused. The Platinum required City and state not the regular one. All the city limits signs I submitted just said "City Name" and city limits. I would submit that a picture of a town's City Hall is way more credible than the limits sign. Not trying to make it difficult but if a city/place is required then does the picture show that? When all challenges are turned down with the quote of which rule then that takes the fun out of it and why bother anymore? Judges have to have the leeway to interpret the rules and their intent or they are just robotic score keepers. The one thing that amazes me and I don't doubt it, is that someone would cheat at this when no money is involved. What we use to say in the service was, "Rigidly Flexible". We also said, "No good deed goes unpunished" too. ;)
When all challenges are turned down with the quote of which rule then that takes the fun out of it and why bother anymore?

Just a comment from the peanut gallery, but why does there have to be so many rules? To me, this could be way simpler, which would make it more funner. :dunno

fwiw, I never see any posts about this in my social feeds, is there a hashtag?
I suppose somebody will immediately prove me wrong with a photo, but here in Texas I don't think I have ever seen a city limits sign with the state included.
Just a comment from the peanut gallery, but why does there have to be so many rules? To me, this could be way simpler, which would make it more funner. :dunno

fwiw, I never see any posts about this in my social feeds, is there a hashtag?

Hell, there are no rules here - we're trying to accomplish something.

Thomas A. Edison
So what are you looking for? Just a meaningless participation trophy? HEY LOOK AT ME, I SUBMITTED A BUNCH OF PHOTOS TO A THING AND I GOT THIS PRETTY PIECE OF PAPER!!!!

Seriously, if there's no rules to be judged by, then what's the purpose of it?? There's no sense of accomplishment. Why even bother?
So what are you looking for? Just a meaningless participation trophy? HEY LOOK AT ME, I SUBMITTED A BUNCH OF PHOTOS TO A THING AND I GOT THIS PRETTY PIECE OF PAPER!!!!

Seriously, if there's no rules to be judged by, then what's the purpose of it?? There's no sense of accomplishment. Why even bother?

Isn't that what we get now?

I truly enjoyed both Coddiwomples, in both of them I worked on getting the needed points to finish tied for next to last. (350 points) I am amazed that someone got over 37,000 points, anyone that got more than 350 points should be commended.
To many rules ? Rules are made to be broken, it’s fun to try and bend or break a rule and see if you can get the points.
With the 350 points I got last year to qualify, in a random drawing I won a very nice Arbus Disc Lock. I am looking forward to ground hog day to see what the future holds.