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Welcome to the Great Outdoors

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omega man

Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat
Staff member
Welcome to the Great Outdoors section of the forum!

The Moderator Team has been working on a new section for the forum where the Member's favorite Outdoor activities can be discussed. This will be a Beta test as some of the topics that we know Members are involved with - have their detractors.

Some topics we are hoping to see discussed would be hiking, mountain biking - road biking, boating/sailing, hunting, fishing, the shooting sports, exercise for health and riding stamina, physical therapy for our aging muscles, pick-up sports like hockey and softball, ATV and pure dirt-bike riding, camping and RVs and so on.

So, if you have an activity that you like, or would like to get involved with, let's hear about it.

If any of these particular topics are not of interest, it's OK to skip right on over to something you do enjoy.

As in all that we do here on the forum, we want the Members to enjoy their visits, so our usual etiquette standards apply.

Any questions or suggestions can be forwarded to one of the Moderators by clicking on this LINK.

Thanks in advance!

The Moderation Team.
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