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Watching the BMW ride by

I live on Idaho Highway 52 which is the main corroder between Stanley (Sawtooth Mountains) and US 26 the road to John Day and Redmond, OR. Today driving back from the local town of Emmett, I passed a number of loaded BMW bikes all heading west. I expect most of them are on they way to Redmond and my buddy Bill and I will be joining them tomorrow morning around 07:00. Everyone have a safe ride. 0602221044a.jpg
I live off of US95 south of Riggins, ID, along the Little Salmon River. Been watching BMW riders passing by here also. Planning to leave here Thursday morning and arrive in Redmond in time for dinner. Should be about a four hundred mile day.
If any members are doing the '24 Coddiwomple and want to pick up another member for the Two Faces Two Flags Challenge, I'm in Meridian and would be willing to try to meet up on your way to Redmond, or just riding around SW Idaho. Drop me a message. This Saturday I'll have a couple bikes in the Hidden Springs Car Show and will bring my flag "just in case".

Rode over to Farewell Bend this morning, and on the way back to home I probably saw almost a dozen BMWbikes in groups on their way west. Y'all ride careful, and have a wonderful week! (picture for thread interest)OT wagon Farewell Bend State Park Oregon.jpeg