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Trying to renew my membership...


New member
I'm trying to renew my membership, and this is what I get back:

Join or renew today! Simply fill out the form below. Once we process your dues, you will enjoy full access to the Online Member Community. Thank you for your support!

If you are signing up for the first time, this is the last step of your registration.

We're sorry, but we were unable to process your payment. Please ensure that you have entered all of your account details correctly. If the problem persists, please CONTACT US.

The specific message returned (if available) was: You do not have permissions to make this API call

How do I get "permission to make this API call" ?


françois -

Sorry to see you're having troubles. I've not done the on-line thing before, so I don't really know what you should do. I would try and call the office in South Carolina at (864) 438-0962. Not sure if you're in the US or not. Additionally, you could contact Ted Moyer by email at ted@bmwmoa.org. I hope that helps.

Were you trying to pay by Paypal? Paypal isn't fully functional yet. We are in the middle of trying to get that working. If that is the case, I can send you an invoice to your Paypal account and complete your membership. I just need the email address you use for Paypal and to contact you directly.

Ted Moyer
I renewed online back in Dec. did not have any problems other than have not seen a membership pack yet.

I renewed online back in Dec. did not have any problems other than have not seen a membership pack yet.


I renewed on Dec 1 and have not received the packet. With the office move I was guessing there would be a delay.
I renewed online back in Dec. did not have any problems other than have not seen a membership pack yet.


Don, I emailed Ray Tubbs today at the MOA office and he said it can take up to 6 weeks to receive the membership packet.
Don, I emailed Ray Tubbs today at the MOA office and he said it can take up to 6 weeks to receive the membership packet.

Just going by past renewals I have seen it show in a couple weeks. I figuared with the move it might take longer.

Renewed Dec 1st and packet arrived today.
