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The BING and the Potato

Now turn those clamps over and it'll end any oil drips from the breather.

Great thread. Now I have something else to dress up.:thumb

My clamps are upside down? All of them? Wow.. did not even know that, and I do have that breather oil drip on occasion.. thanks!
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Did you internalize your repair by eating said potato?
I used to fish with CheezWhiz as bait so if I didnt get any bites, I could still make a sandwich...
Tony H.
hey, can't you also make a battery out of a potato (i'm reaching deep into the grade school memory banks here). if so, hang on to that potato as it might also come in handy for your airhead charging system. :beer
When I taught science I used to make a battery out of a lemon. The students calculated it would take about 500 lemons (I don't remember the number) connected in series to start a car!


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mine stopped dripping on it's own.. I think I put too much oil in the crankcase on my last oil change.

too much oil = bad
too little oil = bad
just right = good*

*A very scientific random oil level comment.
potato print

Your woman friend must be involved in art education ?