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Soft Knock, 08 RT

At 138 thousand miles, I had a noise like that. It seemed most prominant on HOT days. Engine cold it was not there.

In the end, my clutch was about to strip. I pulled the starter, turned the rear wheel with it in gear. I could see the shaft turning in the clutch hub. I then measured the amount the disc turned with shaft still. It was 5/8 inch ready to strip. I replaced the disc and the noise went away for a while.

Noise was the loudest in third gear about 3,000 rpm under light load.

The crank moved up and down .004 inch.


I had not thought about inspecting the clutch assy thru the starter opening. Will do that after I double check valve lash and rocker end play. Close insp when hot shows some slop. Overnite cool down will tell. Will clean that up then move forward should it not help.
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