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Show TPMS Temperature on Instrument Cluster with MotoScan

While looking at the various options available on the MotoScan app for BMW, I found I could add TPMS temperature to the on-board computer displays on my 2007 R1200ST. Since BMW has programmed the pressure display to read what the pressures would be at 20 degrees C (68 degrees F), I figure knowing the temperature would give me a better indication of how the tires are doing on long or aggressive rides. I don't have any information as yet on what temperatures I should see, but that will come with time.
While looking at the various options available on the MotoScan app for BMW, I found I could add TPMS temperature to the on-board computer displays on my 2007 R1200ST. Since BMW has programmed the pressure display to read what the pressures would be at 20 degrees C (68 degrees F), I figure knowing the temperature would give me a better indication of how the tires are doing on long or aggressive rides. I don't have any information as yet on what temperatures I should see, but that will come with time.

On my R1150R I ran a top-of-the-line, no longer available TPMS for years. The display showed 4 numbers: front compensated pressure and deviation and rear compensated pressure and deviation. At the press of a button it showed tire internal air temperture front and rear. My experience on my R1150R with the tires at 36 and 42 at 20C, was the tires would normally heat to about 35 above ambient while on a highway trip; much less around town of course.