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Rockster - Rear Ride Height


New member
How do I adjust this? I have tried adjusting the preload, didn't notice any difference. I would like to increase it if possible.

I am not kidding. To increase the rear height that would be the two ways to go about it. There are adjustable torque arms available, so you could fine tune the height you wanted. It would be cheaper than buying a rear shock.
If you don't see any difference in ride height between the soft & hard positions perhaps you've got a shock problem ?????On my 02 1150r I run about in the middle when solo & when loaded for travelin I crank the knob full hard then back off 2 turns ps I'm no feather weight @ about250lbs. and when on the road I like my comfort & cary lots o "stuff" ...if I turn the knob way down towards std. or below stuff starts draggin in hard left handers,not good... :wave
kromedome said:
How do I adjust this? I have tried adjusting the preload, didn't notice any difference. I would like to increase it if possible.


Does your rear strut look like this? http://tinyurl.com/18r
If so, and if you have no resistance on the preload adjuster knob
for the first two or three turns, your preload hydraulic circuit
needs to be refilled.
Go read completely through this thread: http://forums.bmwmoa.org/showthread.php?t=13589&highlight=Preload
I first wrote this procedure up for the K1200LT Forums but it applies
to any BMW rear strut with the hydraulic preload adjuster.


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