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Sorry for your loss Rich.

I too left a few days into the new year so got as much from retirement system I could.
Happy New Years and Adios in same breath:thumb
This sounds great... where is it held?

The Flamingo Flotilla does this thing every year in late January into early February. It's pretty much for kayak sailboat type of craft. Originally it was a Folbot thing; but now it's pretty much some heavy duty sailing rigs...….Anyway, this year it's January 26 until February 5 at Flamingo campground, Everglades National Park...……….maybe 50 folks or so. Half and half campers and RVers…..For us, we love to go back into the mangroves and try not to get lost on the various trails as we manipulate the boat through the grass and mangroves......Lots of birding and critter watching.... Then there is LOTS of sailing out and around the various islands..……..Anyway, a good time.....NO FEES just folks hanging out …………...COME ON DOWN...you are welcome to put your tent on our site...….God bless....Dennis
I have been retired for almost 4 years now. JW electrician ,35 years worth. It took one year to sell old home and remodel a new place. We all have other responsibilities too, live goes on. One is more riding time when the weather is good and helping others. :dance One advice I took was to take one day a week to relax!
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I am new to this organization and have been in awe of the number of miles traveled per year by the members. I think to myself. What do these people do that affords them so much time off to ride all over the world? Now I know. Congratulations to all of you retired riding people. I will get there someday and ride along with you but until then it's just 2 weeks vacation a year. I envy you and cannot wait till the time comes for me to retire.:thumb

I posted this 01/11/2012. Next May I am moving from the everyday worker to an on call consultant. My boss for the last 11 years has moved on to open his own business and has asked me to join him. I told him I was retiring next May and he said no problem, come to work for me as an on call consultant. Be your own boss work a couple days a month and the rest of the time you and your wife can go riding. Besides I know you hate cold weather so it will give you something to do during the winter months. I told him Florida is great for riding in the winter. He said think about it. He is a great boss and I love the work so I guess I will slowly work into retirement for now. Ride more and work less. Sounds good.
Today is my first official day of retirement. Finished 30 years with the Calgary Fire Department, retiring as Captain from the second busiest station in the city. I'll miss being around the great crew I had, but am excited at the new road ahead.
Today is my first official day of retirement. Finished 30 years with the Calgary Fire Department, retiring as Captain from the second busiest station in the city. I'll miss being around the great crew I had, but am excited at the new road ahead.

Congrats, Ed.

My last day was June 28, but I'm still in the office, hanging out with the gang. :D

Hopefully we'll see you at a breakfast or two.
Hopefully now that my weekends are more open without a shift work schedule I can make some of the breakfasts. Deffinitely some big rides in the planning.
Getting Close.

Retiring from correctional services on March 30 after 26 years.
Just in time for riding season. Can’t go to movies or sporting events
due to Corona Virus (and I drink only domestic beer) so this means
more bike riding for me. Tough break!
Sold my part of a Honda/Yamaha/Ural/Kymco/Lehman Trike dealership to my partner in 2004.

I've been hunting birds and riding bikes since then when SWMBO doesn't have a better idea for me.

I've ridden over 100,000 miles, all 50 states, some of Canada since I got back into bikes in 2013.

I'm not going to stop until I have to.
Today is my first official day of retirement. Finished 30 years with the Calgary Fire Department, retiring as Captain from the second busiest station in the city. I'll miss being around the great crew I had, but am excited at the new road ahead.

Very pleased for you Ed. Enjoy your retirement. Maybe finish the project in the garage?
After 26 years of working as a correctional officer it's finally time to pack it in.
11 days from today I go in for my last shift.
Apparently on my last day, I sign in and out, bump a few elbows, and ride off into the sunset.
I think all the pieces are in place: new car, 2017 RT, some cash in the bank, a decent severance and
pension plus a few bucks wisely invested.
This is going to be great!!
After 26 years of working as a correctional officer it's finally time to pack it in.
11 days from today I go in for my last shift.
Apparently on my last day, I sign in and out, bump a few elbows, and ride off into the sunset.
I think all the pieces are in place: new car, 2017 RT, some cash in the bank, a decent severance and
pension plus a few bucks wisely invested.
This is going to be great!!

Good for you!
With all the current crisis unfolding around the world and locally, I feel amazing grateful and lucky for the timing of my retirement. Pension money is unaffected, though the extra savings have taken a bit of a loss. I am mostly glad I'm not out on the front lines dealing with this mess, but I do have grave concerns for my former firefighter and emergency services colleagues (a family member among them) who are working daily in this mess. I'm social distancing myself with lots of workshop time; riding season is still no where near here.
With all the current crisis unfolding around the world and locally, I feel amazing grateful and lucky for the timing of my retirement. Pension money is unaffected, though the extra savings have taken a bit of a loss.

My wife was making plans to retire this summer or end of the year but now the money we have invested for her retirement is taking a big hit.
With all the current crisis unfolding around the world and locally, I feel amazing grateful and lucky for the timing of my retirement. Pension money is unaffected, though the extra savings have taken a bit of a loss. I am mostly glad I'm not out on the front lines dealing with this mess, but I do have grave concerns for my former firefighter and emergency services colleagues (a family member among them) who are working daily in this mess. I'm social distancing myself with lots of workshop time; riding season is still no where near here.

I wish all my colleagues the very best during this scary time to be working in a correctional institution.
I've done my level best to survive 26 years.
So far, so good.
12 days to go.