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Replacement key?

Lost one of my two keys for '13 F700GS... Two local locksmiths don't have blanks to cut a new one. BMW dealer quoted $80 to get one shipped in. Is there another solution?
Lost one of my two keys for '13 F700GS... Two local locksmiths don't have blanks to cut a new one. BMW dealer quoted $80 to get one shipped in. Is there another solution?
Welcome to the forum!
I'd like to think so.......probably not. So many of the newer vehicles have keys that are expensive......but really better in the long run. I just had a non-chipped key made at the dealership (van) for $20.00 :eek Had another made at a lock shop $5.50.....did not work.
Good luck.
My '07 R has a chip in the key; I imagine this 4-year-newer bike will also have come that way.

Without the chip (read: any key from a local locksmith), the engine either won't start, or will start and immediately quit. Thus, I think the OP is stuck with getting a new key from the dealer, who's the only source that can deliver the right key shape (the notches or grooves you see) and the right key chip.
If you buy a blank from a dealer test it with a magnet. If the magnet sticks it is a steel (not brass) key blank. Many but not all lock shops will not cut steel keys because it (they say) ruins their cutting wheels. Some shops have an old machine in the back that they will cut a steel key with but not many. Apparently this isn't an issue in Germany but it sure is in the U.S.
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If you can get a blank and get it cut, without the chip it will only be useful for the accessory locks on the bike. The ignition lock will turn, but without the chip the bike will not start. There are some places that can program chip keys for automobiles, but Its hard to say if they have the right systems for BMW motorcycle keys.
Lost one of my two keys for '13 F700GS... Two local locksmiths don't have blanks to cut a new one. BMW dealer quoted $80 to get one shipped in. Is there another solution?

Have no idea where your located. I'd suggest asking another dealer since that price is a bit high.
I have a 13 700 gs. Not aware that there is a chip in the key. Are you sure this is actually factual?
I have a 13 700 gs. Not aware that there is a chip in the key. Are you sure this is actually factual?

I think every BMW bike since about 2007 has them. Not sure the exact year they were first used, I do know my 08 K1200GT has one as does my 09 F800Gs and my wife's 08 F800ST.
My 07 F800ST has a chip in the key. The manual says if the multifunction display ( your gauges) shows EWS the bike will not start. My second key is a plastic key I don't know if has a chip or not.:wave
My 07 F800ST has a chip in the key. The manual says if the multifunction display ( your gauges) shows EWS the bike will not start. My second key is a plastic key I don't know if has a chip or not.:wave

If the motor starts using the plastic key, the plastic key has a chip.
Vehicle: '11 R12RT

The ignition key on my RT is falling apart. Is it possible to purchase a key blank, have it cut (assuming brass), and transfer the chip from the old key to the newly cut one?
Vehicle: '11 R12RT

The ignition key on my RT is falling apart. Is it possible to purchase a key blank, have it cut (assuming brass), and transfer the chip from the old key to the newly cut one?
I can’t imagine doing that without damaging the chip. If you take your title and photo ID to your dealer they can order you a new key, cut to fit and with the chip ready to use on your bike. There was a period of time when getting replacement keys was difficult due to chip shortages, but I think we’re past that now.


Edit: And on top of that, I’ve had two excellent locksmiths look into the blanks for the double-cut keys BMW uses. They can find the numbers for the correct blanks but no wholesalers who will or can sell the blanks.
I’ve just bought key blanks from eBay seller klassickeyz ($13.95 ea)
One was for an ‘08 Moto Guzzi. That one arrived and I had it cut at a local locksmith shop. It works.
The second one I just ordered and it hasn’t arrived yet for my ’09 F650GS that I’m about to buy. The seller can‘t yet find his spare key so I pre ordered one just in case. Strange coincidence is both bikes use the same key blank.
I’ve just bought key blanks from eBay seller klassickeyz ($13.95 ea)
One was for an ‘08 Moto Guzzi. That one arrived and I had it cut at a local locksmith shop. It works.
The second one I just ordered and it hasn’t arrived yet for my ’09 F650GS that I’m about to buy. The seller can‘t yet find his spare key so I pre ordered one just in case. Strange coincidence is both bikes use the same key blank.
Did the blanks have numbers on them and if so, can you share them?

Hi. The one I received has no numbers or markings. I also see the ad shows the seller as two words Klassic Keyz.
The eBay ad said it was a X270-TMC1 and stated this blank fits 399 vehicles and I believe the eBay ad does list all of them. Hope this helps.


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You guys should price a replacement key FOB for the "Keyless Ride" system.
My fob stopped working due to moisture intrusion and it cost me $400.00 for a replacement cut and programed from the VIN Code.
You would think that key FOBs for motorcycles would be a lot more water resistant!