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Release tab on integral case lock cylinder not releasing


I got a new to me set of integral side cases for my 89 K100rs. I was moving the locks from the old set to the new. 5 of the 6 came out fairly easily, but on the last one, the release tab simply will not compress to allow the cylinder to come out. I have used a lot of penetrating lube, but the tab won't press down at all.

Has anyone else run into this? Any ideas on how to get that tab to move?


Never had that situation.

You are sure you are contacting the tab when you are pushing, I assume.

Try pushing in on the lock cylinder as you are pushing on the tab. That might unload the tab.

Try it with the key in the cylinder and the cylinder in the locked position and the latch in the open position. You would be pushing the tab straight up (directly away from the case).

Let us know what you find.

Thanks. I had done all that, and yes, I was pressing on the tab. I tried everything, but something had it really jammed. I finally drilled out the pop rivets and removed the latch so I could work on it more easily. It never would depress, but it finally just fell out. The spring underneath was all jammed up, and it was slightly bent. I think it was stuck on whatever was left of the staking.

I ended up straightening the release tab, trimming and expanding the spring, then staking the tab back in. I'm still not sure what had it so trapped. But, It is in and working.

Thanks again