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R1200 RS Aftermarket Seats


New member
I'm looking to replace my factory seat with either a Corbin or Sargent seat, but I'm not sure which to go with. I'm hoping to get some feedback & direction from fellow riders. Thanks.
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It depends on bike model and personal ergonomics. And customer service. I never heard of Saddleman and I don't like Corbin. I'd check out Russell, Sargent, or Rich's.
Consider BMS seats Ventura Ca. Rocky and crew have made seats for my last 4 bikes, very satisfied

Saddlemen is in Compton CA, just north of Long Beach.
I've never seen a Corbin that wasn't too hard, and I've seen a few that didn't fit right...
BMS seems to depend somewhat on how well you get along with the guy... some people don't...
BMS is easy to get along with. However, he is human and can make mistakes. Getting it right for you is a high priority. He has made several saddles for me over the years. He just finished the two part saddle for my 1250RT at the GS Giants rally a few weeks ago and it was a perfect fit immediately. Strongly suggest getting more opinions and sit on one if you can (knowing that they are custom: height/weight/inseam/etc). He said he will be at the Land of Enchantment rally (NM) in a couple weeks. Otherwise, give him a call.
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