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Post Your Trip Pictures


Debbie's Servant
We have a thread for one day ride pictures where you post your picture the same day as the ride.
Thought I'd start a thread for trip pictures where you can post during a trip or after you return.
This would be a good place if you just want to post a few pictures but don't want to do a full report.
Please say where your picture was taken.
We leave for the Texas Hill Country later today and I'll try to upload a few pictures from my phone during the trip.
I may have to wait until we return, my phone pictures are too large to upload without reducing them.
Returning home to PA from SW FL.

Dahlonega, GA was beautiful today.


Blairsville, GA not so much. :)

I only got 2 days on the road out of a 4 week trip last summer. But being trapped for 4 days waiting on a holiday weekend to ship my bike out wasn't all bad here. How did you resize for a full size pic?
I only got 2 days on the road out of a 4 week trip last summer. But being trapped for 4 days waiting on a holiday weekend to ship my bike out wasn't all bad here. How did you resize for a full size pic?
View attachment 73521

On my Android phone I used Google Photos.
I hold down on the picture to get a resize option.
The picture is saved in a resize folder.
To upload here I use the little square icon with a tree In it.
I have all my pics up on SmugMug but the biggest photo size I can link to here is small from there.
I have all my pics up on SmugMug but the biggest photo size I can link to here is small from there.

I can usually copy pictures from my i-BMW gallery to here when using a 1200 width on landscape.
On portrait I use a 750 height.
Spent the day riding the southern Appalachians in NC. The weather was beautiful, unlike yesterday in GA.

Tomorrow morning will be some of the twisties in SW VA before slabbing it home.

NC 209, aka The Rattler.


BRP near Little Switzerland.

Lots of good roads in SW VA. I'll revisit this area on my way to Lebanon in June.

VA 80 - I think I read about this road in the Owner's News a while ago. Great ride.


VA 16 - The Back of the Dragon - from Tazewell to Marion. I first rode this road about 5 years ago. It's as much fun as I remembered.

Llano River low water crossing yesterday.

Steve (henzilla) mounted new rear tires for us this morning before heading to Leaky Tx.

