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Oil base stain



I went to Home Depot todat to get solid color oil base stain. I found out that PA no longer allows oil based stains because they give off fumes that are bad for the environment. My question is, can anyone in a neighboring state (Ohio,West Virginia) tell me if you can buy it there? I could just go there to get it if its available. Thanks
oil base

i personally like the multi-weight snythetic oil base paints. but never on a brand new house. use only after properly breaking in the house.:brow :brow
Its been a while since I bought stain. What is available, a water based stain? (I just checked the lowes website and it looks like they are going to the water based product)

Not the same, but I have excellent results with water based polyurethane. When the water based poly first came out, I was skeptical. I don't think I would use anything else now.

It might be worth trying the water based product.

I have always had good results with all Minwax products.
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I intend to hoard incandescent lightbulbs. You can approach me in five years, offline, and use the magic discount word "BMW" and I'll give you a price break.
Oil stains are still available in WV. We happen to sell California Paint and stains, and stock their semi-transparent exterior oil stain. I used to sell P&L's solid exterior oil stain but quit selling it due to fading issues.
I intend to hoard incandescent lightbulbs. You can approach me in five years, offline, and use the magic discount word "BMW" and I'll give you a price break.

I have already hoarded bottles of Diazinon for killing all sorts of crawling beasties. Too bad you can't get it anymore. It worked so well eradicating the carpenter ants my house had when I moved in.

Sounds like they are banning all sorts of stuff... incandescent bulbs, oil based stains, bug killers, and certain lexan baby bottles. What's next? Oh, the humanity!

At least now I can be a profiteer... :)
Thanks for the info. I can see a road trip to WV is in the near future. Love that oil shine.
You can actually make stain very easily. Just take a tint color of the resin you want, either oil or water and then reduce it at a ratio that gives the opacity you seek from the stain. I make stain from car paint for picture frames etc and reduce it down 400% with the appropriate solvent.

If you struggle to find oil color at the stores go to an art store and buy some oil paint in the colors you want and thin it with mineral spirits. Wear gloves unless you want to use your hands as swatch next time you go to the store though...lol.