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omega man

Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat
Staff member
Well with all the talk of camping, traveling, whether to tow a trailer and the rest....I thought for those of us that enjoy a rainy night inside with a shower, with a refrigerator and think trailering a bike or two to a location and having a great "launch point" to tour from is the way to go- here is the thread.
It doesn't matter what size or configuration you run, if you like to use it and enjoy it, it would be nice to see it.
Here is mine.
If you think that this is a terrible thing, that's OK and you can save that for another place.
By the way, if you have some issues with your RV, I'm pretty well versed in the area of repair so don't hesitate to speak up.
Is that rain? Hang on till I close the vent and turn on the A/C.
Enjoy, Gary


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Looks Great!

I don't have one, but this looks like a nice alternative to motels, especially for a visit to an area worthy of lots exploration. Enjoy!
Sometimes we ride and camp. And sometimes we take the dirt bikes and RV with our little guy!

I'll be there with my toy hauler & RT. Wife wanted to go, but not ride 1000 miles, so we compromised!

My buddy & I will be the 40 year olds with the trailers...

Here is ours. 2007 Coachmen Leprechaun, 31 foot, with two slide outs. The picture was taken at Stone Mountain Ga, 2011. We love ours and kids enjoy it. I had a car dolly to tow a car, but that was lot of work to hook up for short trips. They are fun.


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Hopefully here's a picture of ours, taken during our 3 week visit to Colorado last year ...


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I don't have a picture handy, but it has a queen sized bed with RED quilt and cabinets above our feet for storing lots of stuff.

Similar to this:


Ya know, I'm not a camper really, but that little guy just might be a way to beat crappy motels, and not have a fortune just sitting when not in use. And my current truck would tow it easily. Base at a campground....and???

I gotta think about this....:thumb
Ya know, I'm not a camper really, but that little guy just might be a way to beat crappy motels, and not have a fortune just sitting when not in use. And my current truck would tow it easily. Base at a campground....and???

I gotta think about this....:thumb
They are also a great way to visit friends as a stay can be longer- nobody is constantly underfoot, and in my case, bring the Lunkhead Labrador :dog with me.
Ya know, I'm not a camper really, but that little guy just might be a way to beat crappy motels, and not have a fortune just sitting when not in use. And my current truck would tow it easily. Base at a campground....and???

I gotta think about this....:thumb

Yeah, for me it was a way to get my wife to bike with me. Base at a nice campground & go for day rides. That way, we can travel over the highways to get to the interesting spots easily. She has no interest in a 500 mile ride.
I found the RV be nice and warm on days when my KTM looked like this. There are times I sure miss the RV.

Epic fail awning...............

What when one doesn't put in awning in time.............A Florida thunderstorm caught us while we were at the pool. Called Progressive the next day, this happened on Tuesday afternoon, Thursday an adjuster came out and wrote us a $1300 check. The roof maybe damaged so there may be more $$$$. Anyway moral of the story is next i "hear" a storm coming that darn thing is coming in.


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Ya know....I'm slowly changing my opinion on the whole RV issue. A few years before my dad passed, he was talking about buying one. We were thankful that he didn't as it would have been one more thing we were "stuck" with. But in the past two years, we've spent time with several friends who own them and I'm starting to see the light. While I much prefer to ride to my destination, I definitely see the benefit of RVing. We are already making arrangements to borrow one to head to Tennessee during the unpredictable weather in March for March Moto Madness.

Great thread, Gary!
One of the coolest setups is the Airstream Basecamp.
You can even attach a tent to it as well as trailer your bike.

You know.... when we get older!

I'm almost there!


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Thanks Tracy, If you are looking for one- I can suggest a few things. Look for one that is really clean on the outside, really check the roof, then the rest of the "pieces". There are only 2 major component manufactures of what goes in a rig (fridge, hot water heater, heat, water-pump and so on) so the components are mostly interchangeable. Sleeps the most- Class C also hard(er) to work on engine parts like an exhaust manifold. Sleeps the least- Class A. The Class B's and especially the newer B's are a whole new world with the chassis now offered.

If you go towable, you really want the tow vehicle to over-power and be able to tow the trailer with ease- or chances are the tail will wag the dog.
Find one where when you walk in it hits you as being right and then go sit in the bathroom :D and see what you think.

As for brands, I don't know what to tell you, try to remember that they all use the same components and look more towards what appears to be "better construction" or at least better put together. The Massive IRV2 forum http://www.irv2.com/forums/ can be of some help.
I bought a brand new Winnebago and have had to go through every system with less than stellar help from Winnebago and what turned out to be a very, very weak dealer.
Good luck and if you or any of the members have questions, I'm happy to assist.
I don't have a picture handy, but it has a queen sized bed with RED quilt and cabinets above our feet for storing lots of stuff.

Similar to this:

I'll top that one, our "T@B Trailer" is bigger than yours Little Guy":) Ha! Has "blue" "Kentucky" in script across the back & a queen bed with kitchen too.
They weigh them @ the factory & the scale person signs off on the weight at the front door-I thinks ours is like 1,524#'s . It has been feeling neglected lately, fall trip coming up!:wave

We use it with the OEM awning that attaches to the front in an arc the a tarp over to a screen room . Quite an impressive "complex".
For pics see: T@B trailers-they're cute!
Here is my .02$ worth in camping. Start small and then buy bigger because if you don't like it then the large ones (driving one) are harder to get rid of.

Towing vs. driving. If you drive one then you will need a vehicle once you get to the camp ground. Driving ones are fun because if you have children your vacation starts when you leave the driveway.

I have found a RV doctor that comes to the house to fix the camper. Little things will go wrong unless your good and can do it yourself.

If you have childred, get one with bunk beds. That way the children have place to store their "junk" and you don't have to make beds. Which we are doing now and if we could do it over again, it be bunk beds.
Ditto, good thread.