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October 4, 2023 there will be a nationwide test of the emergency broadcast system.

omega man

Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat
Staff member
Looks like on October 4th at 2:20 pm it will be lions and tigers and bears.

No doubt some won’t know but readers of the MOA Forum will. :dance

Unless pre-empted by a real emergency.

Thanks for the heads-up, the direct You-Tube link will be passed around. :thumb
I wonder how the younguns with their noses buried in the screen will react... :eek
I am cleaning out everything under my desk to make room, just in case. :brow

You do remember that it has to be a wooden desk? Try not to snag your collarbone on the ink well. :p


Came about 2-3 minutes early here. Basically just like the Amber alerts I've been getting. Meh!

A few minutes later, got it on the TV. Pretty obnoxious!
Nothing here - phone or TV. We live in an information desert. Weather radar blanks before it gets here too.
Twelve weeks after shoulder surgery, I finally get back on the golf course. It’s a beautiful day, clear sky and 80 degrees. I’m in my downswing when my wife’s phone sounds the alert. Now, I just need to come up with a good excuse for the other 99 strokes.

Just for fun, I turned off all of my alerts and put the iPhone in airplane mode.

Nary a peep.

My coworkers, however, had their phones vibrating and alerting all over :whistle