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Non-Chain Restaurant Options?

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New member
In particular, I'm not seeing any non-chain restaurants that serve a full breakfast.(or are even open for breakfast) within about a half hour radius of the rally. Best I see is a Waffle House. Even the truck stop restaurant appears to have closed.

I think I understand why they are doing the on-site breakfast, because there's nothing else around. I prefer a heartier meal though, so I guess breakfast will be a ride destination in itself.

Anybody else find something I'm missing?

In Springfield there was a great family restaurant 1.5 miles from the rally grounds. One of the things I enjoy most about traveling is sampling the local fare. My wife says I travel on my stomach. Fair enough...I can tell you where to find some pretty great food almost anywhere in the country though.
One of the things that I have found in NC and Va is that almost every small town will have some diner, cafe, or non-chain eating joint. Pre-Covid I really liked exploring these sort of places with a riding buddy.

As one gets close to said small town these eating joints can be easily spotted. This is by the number of vehicles in the parking lot. During the week, early in the morning, there will likely be many pickup trucks present. This is a pretty reliable indicator that the food is good. One can often hear some interesting stories from other diners (almost like being around a campfire at an airhead gathering).

There are a lot of good motorcycle roads around once one gets away from the "super" and big cities. In the early morning one needs to keep a careful eye out for deer!
Best to try looking in Ashland for places to eat. BK is going to busy and that is just down the road from the rally site. The offsite infrastructure that are normally found around the rally sites are miles away from this site.
This question about breakfast at a non-chain place made me want to do a bit of looking. After a bit of googling I found a couple of candidate places I might like to try. The places below have pretty good reviews (for whatever that is worth).

One place says that they have the best breakfast in Louisa, Va and is called Floozies Pie Shop. Looks like one can take various wiggly roads to get there in about an hour (from Doswell, Va) The breakfast menu is on-line, served from 9 - 11 am Fri and Sat (link below) -


Another candidate is the Mineral Restaurant in Mineral, Va. There are various routes from Doswell to Mineral that appear to take a bit less than an hour (longer if ya ain't that hungry and want more riding).

Ashland will have a couple spots. Right here in my hood (Atlee area of Mechanicsville) We have Marty's, Kregger's, Rise & Shine diner. We walk to Marty's for breakfast all the time. Maps puts it at about 25 minutes from Meadow event park. Rise & shine is a few miles closer. You could even venture along the RT 250 corridor where the options REALLY open up. If you stay close to interstate access points like I-295 & 64 you would remain well within an hour of the rally.
Ashland will have a couple spots. Right here in my hood (Atlee area of Mechanicsville) We have Marty's, Kregger's, Rise & Shine diner. We walk to Marty's for breakfast all the time. Maps puts it at about 25 minutes from Meadow event park. Rise & shine is a few miles closer. You could even venture along the RT 250 corridor where the options REALLY open up. If you stay close to interstate access points like I-295 & 64 you would remain well within an hour of the rally.

Rise and Shine looks like a good option. Kregger's is not open for breakfast. (looks like Kregger's opens at 10 AM Sat and Sun)
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