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Motorcycle Trailers

I like the enclosed trailer/storage shed idea.

I can totally understand your situation having lived in Houston. Luckily for me, they gave me a diploma and I beat feet out of there.

Here's what I have (yes, I have a BMW AND a trailer)...

I have a homemade 4x8 flatbed/tiltbed trailer. The plywood deck is bolted (with eyelets) to a frame that tilts for easy loading. For storage, I lean it against a wall in my garage. I bolt two 2x4's (one across the front, one across the back) that hold the weight when it's against the wall (so that it's stable and so one wheel/hub doesn't take all of the stress). I have a 2x4 attached to the garage ceiling (across 3 rafters) with an eyelet on it. I use a puller to hoist the trailer up. I've only used the trailer a couple of times, so it's not all that inconvenient. I'll be adding removeable sides to it this spring to haul mulch/rocks/etc for home landscaping.

Overall, I only lose about 24" to 30" of the width of my garage, the length of the trailer. I still have room to park 2 cars and the bike and still be able to get anything out (except the trailer) I want without moving something else.

Having two cars (no trucks), I like having the trailer around as a "rescue vehicle."
Thank you for the great message and ideas. Can you believe I have lots of those degrees and I still stay in Houston instead of moving to Colorado? It is hard for me to believe most of the time. I am looking more and more into closed trailers that are obviously hard to hide in the garage but I very much appreciate your advice.