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Motorcycle Rental In Phoenix?



Planning a short trip in the upcoming week or so to Phoenix. Unfortunatley I will be flying and not riding but I will have a couple of days to spare, and hope to take in some sights. Any one have any experience with the rental agencys in the Phoenix area?

Good Bad or other wise?

....anybody want to rent me a bike???some gear?


Go AZ Motorcycles in Scottsdale rents motorcycles. I have not personally rented from them, but I understand from others who have, they were good to deal with on rentals. Here is there info:
15500 N. Hayden Rd.
Scottsdale, AZ 85260

Phone: 480-609-1800
My folks are snowbirds in Phx every winter so I am a regular visitor.

Haven't rented for a few years, but Blue Moon Rentals used to be around. And some of the HD dealers rent bikes. Choco if I'm not mistaken....

If you do find one, take a ride out to Tortilla Flats, past Apache Junction. The best local ride in the area, great food for lunch. They are only open during daylight, you'll love the trip.