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I rented from a BMW dealer through the new Fuel for Life program in Europe


New member
I just had a good experience renting a BMW motorcycle in Europe through BMW's new Fuel for Life European dealer rental program. It was a solo trip with a very modest amount of preparation. Here are a few notes that might help if you are considering such a trip. Feel free to post any questions, as I can't cover every aspect.

* The program is accessed here: https://www.fuelforlife.bmw-motorrad.com/en/rental.html. It is not the same as the U.S. program, which has many fewer dealers enrolled.

* The system is buggy, especially with dates, but you should be able to get it to work. Enter the days after the days you actually want to rent, as the system registers the day prior to what you enter. As you navigate through the system applying filters and progressing to additional steps, always double-check the dates and times entered.

* The most important geographic entry is the CITY, which will determine dealers shown.

* Pricing and other parameters such as included mileage seem to be set by the dealers, with no consistency across the platform, so pay close attention to these differences.

* Play around with dates and times if you are flexible. Correlate pricing, as it may change as you shorten or lengthen the rental period by hours and days.

* Once you've confirmed a reservation, phone the dealer to further confirm and obtain the names of those responsible, including whom you should see when you arrive for your rental. Further confirm that person will actually be working at the date and time you arrive.

* Assume language barriers, and be prepared to use Google Translate or another app to converse with the dealer representative.

I rented from Activa SPA in Trento, Italy, a gateway to the Dolomites. I rode Stelvio, Gavia, Sella, Gardena, Pordoi, Fedaia, Valparola and Falzarego before heading over Passo Stalle into Austria and the Grossglockner. I saw many beautiful villages and stayed in some fine and very reasonably priced hotels.

Let me know if you have any questions.
I rented from Activa SPA in Trento, Italy, a gateway to the Dolomites. I rode Stelvio, Gavia, Sella, Gardena, Pordoi, Fedaia, Valparola and Falzarego before heading over Passo Stalle into Austria and the Grossglockner. I saw many beautiful villages and stayed in some fine and very reasonably priced hotels.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Wow, that is a really nice tour.

This could be a great option for touring on your own, as compared to shipping a bike and storing it. There have been a few dealers renting bikes there, but they are very expensive. Will have to check out this new offer. First blush the daily fees are reasonable, but a 2-week tour adds up quick!

I saw a place like this in Austria, affiliated with BMW, where you could rent a bike while staying at their hotel.
Thnx CMB! This info could be very helpful as I get started planning for next summer’s Euro ADVentures. :thumb

We had a terrific Bike & Boat Danube trip in May; >>> https://www.radreisen.at/dockings <<<

I’m looking for something similar only on a different river up north where we’ve not toured: maybe the Elbe or the Mosel or the Rhine... :dunno

Keep the rubber side down!
Ciao, HSV-Phil & HSV-Karen

Combining motorcycling eXplorations anywhere in Europe with a separate Bicycle/Barge vacation saves on airfare, but then there’s more safety gear to be schlepped thru airports & trains and then managed on a compact river vessel... :scratch