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Motel for us at Richmond

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Well-known member
Last year the Best Western was a great location and having it full of BMW's was awesome. As a result wanted to share this year we (about a dozen of us) are at the Springhill Suites in Glen Allen. VA about 12 miles from rally site and walking distance to a few restaurants. Also, you can get to the Rally without using I-95.
Glenlivet and I have a room at La Quinta near the rally site just in case, but hope for decent weather so we can cancel and camp with friends

That Best Western was a great call. I felt like I was at the rally when I was at the hotel. I enjoyed strolling the parking lot in the evening, checking out the motorcycles and talking to some of the owners. I hope there is good turn out at Springhill Suites. This year I get to commute.
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