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MOAL March Ride-2-Eat, 11Mar23


Jim's hoping to meet a few adventurous BMW riders at the Alabama Rib Shack at 12:00 on the next Second Saturday, 11Mar23. [Survey says the line forms before noon because when they sell out that’s all there is.]

Long range forecast implies: Partly Sunny with a high of 69F... :dance

Anybody from central Alabama that wants to ride as a group should arrive at the designated Shell station before 9. He’ll depart the gas stop at exit 242 off I-65 at 9:00 [ N33° 16.798' W86° 47.825’ ] (junction CR-35 & CR-52). He plans to ride AL-25 to Greensboro. Then up AL-14 through Eutaw, crossing I-20 to left on AL-39 to 9316 State St. Gainesville, AL [ N32° 49.314' W88° 09.595’ ]. Jim’s route, with important waypoints, is attached below - 115 miles in 2.5 hrs.

Jim has spoken to the AL Rib Shack owner and he’d appreciate a head count! That means Jim would appreciate a Text in order to warn Jamie Lee on what/who to expect for Lunch - the sooner the better! Jim’s cell: (205) 901-9742.

Meanwhile, le Prez & la Secretary are headed to Jacksonville for some IBA camaraderie. :kbasa
Ciao, HSV-Phil & HSV-Karen

View attachment March-Ride2Eat.GPX