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Mid-South ride, eat, and meet

Lester A. Pelkey-Owner

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Son of the first owner. Frank. Told me the story of his father starting the business many years ago. He told me the same story over 20 years ago when I was riding in the area. It's a great story of real America. 20 years from now if I'm back in the shop and Lester tells me the same story, I'll still it's great. Great Guy, Wife, Family, Father, and dealership. :thumb I had a great visit , Thx Ya'll.
Hoagie's Pizza snd Pasta- Essex,Vt.

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Got a little famished, doing all that hard work at the dealer. They sent me around the corner to Hoagie's Pizza and Pasta.
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Ate about half. It was good. If you go to Franks and you need a bite to eat, by all means go to Hoagie's. 2 thumbs up. :thumb:thumb
Civil War Tour- Vermont

Took a break from freight hauling and BMW motorcycle looking to do a little Civil War history research for a change. You already know I'm a Civil War buff. I like visiting the famous places, Gettysburg, Vicksburg, Appomattox, Antietam, Shiloh. Places most people recognize just from their name. I also like the small, unknown, strange, and out of the way places. I headed due north to St. Albans, Vermont. St. Albans is the location of the most norther land incident of the Civil War. About 20 Confederate raiders left Canada, assembled in St Albans and on October 19, 1864 attacked the town and robbed several banks in the town. then retreated back to Canada. A really obscure event in the war.
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I'm sure it was a pretty exciting day many years ago in St. Albans. Looks like everything is back to normal. Good to see Old Glory flying high.
The Raid

Hollywood made a movie about this event in 1954. Pretty good old movie. I've watched it and It kinda follows the true events that happened. It had quite a few stars in it. Van Heflin, Anne Bancroft, Richard Boone, Lee Marvin, Peter Graves. Will Wright had a small part. If you watch Andy of Mayberry, he show up on several episodes, usually as an old local curmudgeon.