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Membership discounts for services?


Kawa Afterthought
BMW MOA membership includes the opportunity to take advantage of discounts on various services in the community. Last year there was a discount offered for KOA camping. In looking for a site to see if the same discount us available I have not been able to see and site on the forum dedicated to this type of information. Any idea where to see current discounts available for 2017?
I found that a bit strange that the section mentionning member discount is only accessible to member. I was considering becoming a member and would have like to check it out to see if it was worth it. I'm from canada and there a a lot less advantage to become member and the member fee is higher. Making this section public might encourage more people to become member.

Just my opinion.

I found that a bit strange that the section mentionning member discount is only accessible to member. I was considering becoming a member and would have like to check it out to see if it was worth it. I'm from canada and there a a lot less advantage to become member and the member fee is higher. Making this section public might encourage more people to become member.

Just my opinion.

Welcome to the forum Robert!

Off the home page, under membership there is a "why join" in the drop-down box-


It has a pretty good listing of the "Broader" benefits. Once a member, it seems you get to the fine details :)

Enjoy the forum.

Yes, i've seen it. But when you click on member discounts it send you to the same page that you have to be a moa member to log in, so it doesn't help much!
Yes, i've seen it. But when you click on member discounts it send you to the same page that you have to be a moa member to log in, so it doesn't help much!
Go to the home page, sign in, check Member discounts.....
It's from "free" oil to 10%-25%-+ discounts on everything from MedJet Emergency Travel Service to KOA Campgrounds. :dunno
Some of these are listed in ON and the MOA brochure. In the homepage, it's where the Members can see their list of specific benefits.
Yes, i've seen it. But when you click on member discounts it send you to the same page that you have to be a moa member to log in, so it doesn't help much!