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Looking for experienced riders for NMBDR


I am hoping to ride the NMBDR in early October, but I want to ride with a few other folks. I have extensive road and MX experience but pretty limited experience on my GS1200 Rallye off-road. Also, even though I am in good shape, I am, well let's say, "no spring chicken," so riding alone isn't an option. Any one out there interested in an October ride?
I am hoping to ride the NMBDR in early October, but I want to ride with a few other folks. I have extensive road and MX experience but pretty limited experience on my GS1200 Rallye off-road. Also, even though I am in good shape, I am, well let's say, "no spring chicken," so riding alone isn't an option. Any one out there interested in an October ride?

Sounds like a great ride that I'd like to do. I ride a '20 WR450 which is certainly capable, but not street legal. My road bike is a '19 R1250RT, not sure how it would fare on a BDR. Back when I was in my late teens/early twenties I rode my R90S all over Nuevo Mexico; ridden where few street bikes would dare to trod. I've planned a big ride to Florida at the end of October so I may not be around. But if you are in the Las Cruces, NM area you might give me a shout. Hope you find some riding partners. Best of luck to you!
From what I understand and I could be wrong, BDR's are set up for big(ger) bikes and offer detours if it gets too technical. Even the TAT has/had big bike detours for the most arduous parts. Definitely bring a sat tracker, like a SPOT, if you go out in the wilderness. Have fun!!
Yea Rider
This has been beat on before but.
Most People have given up on the SPOT and the ones that really need the satellite tracker have gone to the

GARMIN InREACH tracking communication system

Much More reliable and user friendly.
When you need it you need it to work, right now, Spot has these outages still.
Yea Rider
This has been beat on before but.
Most People have given up on the SPOT and the ones that really need the satellite tracker have gone to the

GARMIN InREACH tracking communication system

Much More reliable and user friendly.
When you need it you need it to work, right now, Spot has these outages still.

Thanks Nick! Yeah Spot has been spotty for sure, but I don’t know what people are familiar with so it’s the one that may may people think about what to get, if anything. :thumb
As member of Back Country Horsemen of Idaho, Spot & inReach

Back Country 911

911, when cell phones are not an option! Training and having the proper communications tools are key to having a good outcome
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