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Login issues for Marketplace


Running into an issue today when trying to login to Marketplace. I am able to login on the MOA main site, and reset my password there as I was having issues with marketplace not accepting on my PC the same login credentials I use for marketplace on my iPad. All well and good, I can login on the pc to the main MOA website, but when I go to Marketplace I am asked to login. If I enter credentials there, I am taken to the “profile” page, and navigating from there back to the main MOA page, using the link on the profile page, and into the Marketplace, results in…another request for login. And so goes the loop.

I reset the password while in Marketplace, using the login page for the Marketplace, and set that to the same PW I used on the main site. No change. So, is something broken in Marketplace authentication?

I'm not sure how many experts there are here for the Marketplace. It's an app run/offered by a third party. How it's tied to the MOA site logins only the office would know I think. Ted's usually on top of things like this...maybe he'll weigh in.
This is working this morning on both PC and iOS devices. It’s been odd, almost acts like the pw link between the main site and the marketplace is not real-time, but running on a scheduled synch. At any rate, it’s now functioning.
