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Kids ride at the Rally in Tennesee


Marc Souliere
The Karol Patzer MOA Children's Charity for 2019 is EmpowerMe which provides day camps for physically and mentally challenged kids. On Thursday June 13 from 1:00 to 3:00 pm you are invited to have ice cream with these great kids and to offer them a ride in your sidecar. The rides will not be on public roads but within the confines of an enclosed area. The camp is located only 1.5 miles from the rally. Here is your chance to put a big smile on the faces of the great kids and have free ice cream. Please let me know if you can spare the time to come out and help. Call or text at 819-661-7693
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My rig doesn't have a seat, but if Glenlivet can be convinced to share his memory foam dog bed we're in. And since we won't be on public roads the kids won't even have to wear a leash!

One caveat for us is the heat. (It hit 67F today in Vermont and we were both having a tough time.) If we're not acclimated to conditions down there my dog's safety comes first; all the hot weather gear he has assumes we have airflow.

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Need Side Cars HELP!

We could still use a couple more side cars to ensure that we don't disappoint any kids. Please let me know if you can help. Text me at 819-661-7693