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It's on the way heading east


New member
Since I'm in New Jersey, I'm heading for the rally via Michigan. The Norton International rally is in Mancelona MI starting Monday the 17th. I love my airhead but have a sweet spot for Commandos. The Rethreads International Rally is in St Catherines ON . That starts the 16th. (It's just to the Canadan side of Niagara falls) A bunch of old guys like me who just ride. I'll see them on tuesday the 18th. Wednesday night dine in Montreal. Then see you all in Burlington Thursday morning. :D

Both these rallys are basically on the way east unless you must stay in the cool clear air of the northern roads. That's a tough choice that I'd love to make on the fly.

Wouldn't it be sweet to swing by Idaho and hit the Top of the Rockies again?
Yep, but I can only get the week before and week after the rally to ride. :violin
aaaaaa said:
Wouldn't it be sweet to swing by Idaho and hit the Top of the Rockies again?
Yep, but I can only get the week before and week after the rally to ride. :violin

Time, time, time. When we were young I don't think we ever appreciated what a valuable commodity it would become! Happy travels.