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It's a GiantStampede!!!

I'm on it!

On behalf of the GSG, I am sorry for the difficulty. I agree that this is unacceptable and I am addressing it, believe me!

Thom, Roberta should be calling you today, I hope. If you need me to make or verify your accommodations, please email me the info and I will take care of it. I only check the forum once a day so email is the best means of communication. Tracy@Novacich.com

Again, my apologies!
Prize Announcement!

Prizes! Prizes! We got 'em! Who could use a new Rev'It Sand 2 Riding Suit? If you are crowned the next GS Giant, it can be yours!

Your official scorebook with all the nitty gritty details will be emailed to you in a few weeks. The winner will be determined by who earns the most points. You can earn points by volunteering, visiting and documenting GS BS sites, attending a seminar or two, riding the track, general participation, etc.

You do not have to be a great off road rider. It's an equal playing field and anyone can win! Be sure to thank Rev'It for such a great Grand Prize! #giantprizes


Shuttle Service at the Bear Lodge


The Bear Lodge has opened up additional Motel Rooms and camp sites at their other two properties, The Elk View Inn and Arrowhead. I'm told Arrowhead is one of the nicest camping area around. The best news - THEY WILL RUN A SHUTTLE BETWEEN THE PROPERTIES so no one has to worry about having an adult beverage or two.

If you have not yet made reservations, please call ROBERTA at (307) 752-2444 or (307) 752-5444.
Prize Alert!

Today's prize alert is brought to you by Redverz!

At the end of a long day, you need a place for you and your motorcycle to sleep! (or in my case, a place for me and all my crap.) Redverz has stepped up, yet again, and has become the preferred tent of the GS Giants! Thanks, Redverz!!!


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Thanks, Rinty! My minions have been working hard!

Here's more! Big Giant Shout Out to South Sound Motorcycles in Tacoma, Washington for providing the first place track prize! The winner will take home a Garmin Montana GPS. Additional thanks to GS Giant, Brian O'Connor for reaching out to his local dealer to tell them about us. Please keep South Sound in mind when shopping online for parts and accessories. And be sure to drop them a thank you note!

And more!!!!!

bms.jpgPRIZE ALERT!!!

Let's face it, a BMW GS is known for a lot of great things but a comfy seat isn't one of them. But one lucky winner will ride off into the sunset on a saddle custom fit for his or her bum! Thanks Rocky Mayer and Bill Mayer Saddles! ‪#‎gsbsprizes
And Still More!!!

As everyone begins packing and purchasing last minute necessities for the Stampede, don't forget our sponsor, NP Moto and Nick Plenzick. I just ordered some moto wear and Powerlet accessories so I can keep charged on the road.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm getting pretty excited. Speaking as a relatively new transplant to Red Lodge, Mont., the scenery and riding around here is pretty damn good.




I don't, however, recommend parking in the juniper bushes, as getting back out can be a bit challenging.

Today's prize alert! Big thanks to Continental Tire!

A girl can never have enough shoes. And neither can your favorite motorcycle. #giantprizes

BTW, The queen is liking her new TKC's!

Giant Thanks to both Hermy's BMW in Port Clinton, PA and also Max's BMW in NY/NH/Ct for stepping up in a big way!

Both have generously donated prizes and swag. Be sure to keep them in mind when shopping on line and definitely visit their pages to say Thank You!


Miles of Smiles on the Big Horns

In many ways, Hwy 14A over the Big Horns is more fun than crossing the Beartooth Plateau. Instead of tight hairpins curves with slow cars and motorcycles, you have fantastic sweepers and very little traffic. Plus, there miles and miles of fantastic backroads to explore while you're on top. And, the wildlife viewing is outstanding with abundant herds of elk and and wandering moose.


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Scorebook info for Noobs.

Scorebooks will be EMAILED on or about July 12th. They will be emailed to the address you provided during the registration process. You are strongly encouraged to read it thoroughly. Inside, you will find links to GPS routes, coordinates to visit "local" non-touristy sites to earn BS points, and all the information you need to GO BIG in the Bighorns.

We realize some of you may be on the road when they are emailed. Why can't we send them out earlier? Well, some of you have more time on their hands than others and that would give an unfair advantage. YOU WILL NEED A PRINTED COPY to show in your pictures. They will have your name and rider number on the cover. You can send the file to Staples, Kinkos or any other copy place and pick it up. Another tip: stop in the business center of a local hotel.

Hopefully this clears up any confusion. If you have more questions, raise your hand.
Great pics! I can't wait to ride there!

And it looks like I may need an extra GSG sticker or two. :whistle
In many ways, Hwy 14A over the Big Horns is more fun than crossing the Beartooth Plateau. Instead of tight hairpins curves with slow cars and motorcycles, you have fantastic sweepers and very little traffic. Plus, there miles and miles of fantastic backroads to explore while you're on top. And, the wildlife viewing is outstanding with abundant herds of elk and and wandering moose.

I noticed the squiggly lines of 14 and 14A on the map and am considering getting off I-90 at Ranchester and taking this more scenic and slightly longer route to Billings. It does look like a fun route.
