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Hunter, NY

I'm not there, but my daughter and her husband live in the area and my wife and I just returned home from a visit. My daughter works at Schribner's in Hunter and they have a great($$$$) menu. I also can recommend Peekamoose Restaurant in Big Indian. If you're a beer lover, check out West Kill Brewing on Saturday and Sunday (preferably not on the bike). Great riding in the area. Enjoy.

I'm not there, but my daughter and her husband live in the area and my wife and I just returned home from a visit. My daughter works at Schribner's in Hunter and they have a great($$$$) menu. I also can recommend Peekamoose Restaurant in Big Indian. If you're a beer lover, check out West Kill Brewing on Saturday and Sunday (preferably not on the bike). Great riding in the area. Enjoy.


Hi there! I live a little further down the Hudson Valley but spend lots of time riding in the Catskills! I second the recommendations made by the previous poster, and there are so many other excellent places to eat, drink, and explore in the area.
My absolute favorite ride in the world is Big Indian Rd - Frost Valley Rd - Rt 55 to Liberty - Rt 52 - Shandalee Rd - Huber Rd - Rt 206 - Rt 30 - Rt 28 (it's the most gorgeous loop to ride!).
Hi there! I live a little further down the Hudson Valley but spend lots of time riding in the Catskills! I second the recommendations made by the previous poster, and there are so many other excellent places to eat, drink, and explore in the area.
My absolute favorite ride in the world is Big Indian Rd - Frost Valley Rd - Rt 55 to Liberty - Rt 52 - Shandalee Rd - Huber Rd - Rt 206 - Rt 30 - Rt 28 (it's the most gorgeous loop to ride!).

Hi, I'm new to the Catskill area (I spend my weekends in Highland) and have been exploring the area. I will definitely be giving this ride a try. Thanks!
Just drove (not rode, sadly) up from NC. I really enjoy Hwy 30 between Hwy 28 and Downsville. It’s a nice ride with beautiful scenery, some twists and elevation change around a large reservoir.

Looks like I'm a year late, but figured I'd respond to see if anyone is around this summer! I'm in Woodstock, NY, close to Hunter, Catskill, most of the areas mentioned here. Anyone up for a ride?

@ PM83014
@ PMkyylieeeeee