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Hardwire radar detector and Gopro with usb


New member
It's time to hardwire my escort radar detector and my Gopro to my k1600. My initial plan is to hardwire a usb hub to the front of the bike and use the hub to power the two accessories. I can hardwire to my hexezcan or directly to the battery.
My questions are:
Can I wire the hub directly to the hexezcan and use it to power both the Escort and the Gopro?
Would it be better to wire each one separately to the hexezcan with it's own usb adapter?
Will the usb hubs transmit 12vdc if that is what they're connected to?
Would a rj11-usb plug work to connect the escort detector to tye usb hub?
The thought behind the hub is I'm sure the connectors will eventually fail on the units, and replacing the patch cord to the hub will be much easier than running a new wire.

Thanks, James
To answer your questions:

Can I wire the hub directly to the hexezcan and use it to power both the Escort and the Gopro?
Yes you can. The hexezcan looks like a power distibution hub, so there's no reason why you couldn't.

Would it be better to wire each one separately to the hexezcan with it's own usb adapter?
I think independent ciruits would be a little better, but it's not critical.

Will the usb hubs transmit 12vdc if that is what they're connected to?
No. USB is nominally 5v unless it's a quickcharge protocol that uses 9v.

Would a rj11-usb plug work to connect the escort detector to tye usb hub?
Not sure what you are asking here. Are you looking for a cable with an rj-11 plug on one end and a USB terminal on the other? Never seen that, and wouldn't make any sense to me.
I checked availability on USB to RJ11 adaptors and Amazon carried a line of them with various cable lengths.
I checked availability on USB to RJ11 adaptors and Amazon carried a line of them with various cable lengths.

Just get the direct wire in for the Escort. That is what I have on mine. rj11 on one end and battery lugs on the other. I chopped the battery end off and wired it to my hexezcn to the same circuit as my ZUMO XT. Both come to life when the power is turned off and go off when the power is turned off. Run a hardwired USEB dual port on its own wires. Can attach it to the same ezcan as the detector or put it on a different one. Up to you. The escort needs 12v not 5 v that the USB will provide.