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GS Riding NE Alabama


New member
I will be visiting NE Alabama ,Ft Payne area in May . was looking for some GS riding suitable for 2up , paved back roads , gravel and forest service roads within 150 mile radius .Any info would be appreciated , maybe even some mom&pop places to eat .
AL-176 - Little River Canyon Drive
Road around DeSoto State Park/ Mentone AL
Dougherty Gap Road in GA just east of Mentone

Bar-B-Que Place, Ft Payne
Rim of the Canyon Cafe, Ft Payne
Wildflower Cafe, Mentone
I would also recommend Little River National Park, but the windy road in the southern half of the park is very old asphalt and not well maintained. That said, I did it on my GT, so as far as eXploring on a GS, it might be just your cuppa tea! https://www.nps.gov/liri/index.htm

Additionally we just had our Feb Ride-2-Eat to the HomecomingAndCo Cafe beside Lake Guntersville. We rode south from Scottsboro along the lakeshore which brings you thru the twisty section of road at the Lake Guntersville State Park (along AL-227). Food was very good, but the place does lack “Curb Appeal.” They’re only open for breakfasts & lunch (til 3).

As was mentioned, The Wildflower in Mentone is another good feed - organic types of foods. Tomato pie is one of their specialties... https://www.mentonewildflower.com

Happy Trails whenever U can - Ciao!
HSV-Karen & HSV-Phil
USN-Ret'd —--&-— USAF-Ret’d

'09 F650GS-twin - '14 K-GT
'82 R100CS ——— '75 R90S
’08 CRF230L —--— ’09 KLX250S
'16 R1200RS —-— ’05 Vespa 200L
Cheaha State Park and the Alabama Skyway. I think they are within range.

Then on the north side of I-20 there are TONS of great forest service roads. Here are a couple. First is a ride to the Alabeemer meeting, the second is the dual sport ride I led for an MOA Getaway hosted in Anniston.

If you use the RWGPS pulldown menu in the upper right, and select MAP, you get the Google Maps basemap that is easier to read.

<iframe src="https://ridewithgps.com/embeds?type=route&id=4697722&sampleGraph=true" style="width: 1px; min-width: 100%; height: 1000px; border: none;" scrolling="no"></iframe>

<iframe src="https://ridewithgps.com/embeds?type=route&id=939781&sampleGraph=true" style="width: 1px; min-width: 100%; height: 1000px; border: none;" scrolling="no"></iframe>