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Fuel leak at pressure regulator housing



So my 02 RT has developed a fuel leak at the housing for the pressure regulator. The plastic looks like it is desintergrating and has become pourus. I dont see any acid damage and it has a sealed battery so I dont think it is from battery drippings. Has anyone seen this problem? I am trying to remove the fuel line assembly now and cannot seem to figure out how to get it out of there short of pulling the engine or sub frame. I did a search and it seems like everyone has rubber line issues, if only mine was this easy! Thanks.
Got the fuel line out, amazing how deeply packed in it was, took me 3-1/2 hours to get it out. Had to rock the front of the sub frame upand the air box down. Looking closer at the leaking area I have to believe it was caused by battery acid because it has a whitish look to it. I am going to take it to work tomorrow and test it for acid.
When BMW built that bike they started with the pressure regulator and attached lines and then built the bike around it. I'm sure of that. I too had to remove one once.