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Failed Inspection for tape on turn signal stems

A friend wants to take the MC drivers test on his scooter. It's a stock vintage Vespa w/ no signals. In OH hand signaling is allowed but not for the test?????? Guess they don't want rookies doing the course w/ one hand.
Good news: it passed. He rode it around the parking lot to verify that the brakes worked, checked all the lights again, and took my insurance information. He liked the new turn signals. They do look a lot nicer than the sun scorched old ones.

Now I just have to fill out that nasty form and sit all day at the county tax office. They really turn the screws to you if you bring a vehicle into the state after initially moving here. The tax in first 30 days of residency is $90 per vehicle, after that if you bring in a vehicle you kept at your other house it's the sales tax on what you paid for it. Maybe I misunderstood it but it looks like they want the tax on it's new value and don't allow for depreciation. They do have a line to subtract for tax paid to another state but NM it's 5% and TX is 6.25% so I will probably end up paying 1.25% on the total new purchase price. I'm looking for the bill of sale, found the title but not sure how I will get one if it was lost in the move. Maybe Sandia BMW could get me a copy of it? have a feeling this 2013 F800GS will cost me $1000 to title and register in Texas. It's tempting to just keep it registered at the other house but my insurance company won't let me get away with that. No wonder so many folks around this part of town drive forever on paper tags or no tags at all.

Unless the inspector had a motorcycle endorsement on his drivers license, I would not let him ride my cycle. Here in Texas, I don't think turn signals are a requirement to get an inspection. I know that my inspector never checks the turn signals. He checks taillight, brake light operating from both front and rear brakes, Hibeam indicator,and tires, and of course insurance. He then spends 2 or 3 minutes at the computer filling in all the information. For all this he charges $7.00. You won't get rich doing inspections in Texas, especially on cycles. That's why many of the inspection stations no longer inspect cycles. At least on cars and trucks, they can always put on new windshield wipers and make a little bit there.
Good info if you have 7 vehicles and are trying to decide where to move. Thanks! :)

Y'all thinking of moving? Here in North GA we have really awesome twisties and no state inspection other than emissions for four-wheelers and that only applies in urban counties and even then, above a certain age you can get an exemption. But after living out in the middle of nowhere I doubt you'd opt for an urban county.
This reminds me of more reasons I'm glad that I no longer live in TexSux.

The OP mentioned that the inspector actually rode the bike to do a brake-check. I'm shocked; in my six years of being a TX motorcyclist, that only happened once, when I took the bike to a scooter-shop to get inspected because it was a hot day and the shop was near home. And the inspector dropped my bike trying to get onto it, right in front of me! At that point I almost pulled the plug and went somewhere else; you better believe I was nervous while he took it around the block. Most shops didn't bother with it, figuring that if you got there intact then the brakes must be OK.

I had another inspection at a place that mostly dealt with custom V-Twins (near home again, after I'd moved from where I lived in the previous story). When it came time to check the horn, the guy leaned his head down near the horn, then just about ruptured his ear-drum when he hit the button! I guess he was expecting the little meep-meep horn that is stock on most bikes, instead of the high-decibel aftermarket unit I had. He then indignantly told me that state law didn't allow aftermarket horns, the only time I'd ever heard that, but at least he didn't fail me for it.

Moving beyond inspections, there was a problem with a personalised plate I got for my bike. It should have arrived but didn't. I called the county office to inquire and after being on hold for a while, they told me that it was at another county's office, the county immediately west of me- the border of which was less than a mile down the street I lived on. The way it was explained to me, apparently in those days (circa 2005/6) there was one guy down in Austin who did quality-control on all the personalised plate orders, and because he'd been doing it forever, he knew just about every street in the state(!) and saw my address and determined it to be in error county-wise, the only problem with his reasoning being that the apartment complex in which I lived was the only residential address on that street and it wasn't in that other county. I had to go to the other county to pick-up the plate, but they couldn't print the county-specific registration sticker that goes on the plate because the computer that ran the printer was only set-up for the one county. It took 45 minutes and three levels of stuporvisors to break that red tape and get me taken care of, but the upside was that I paid a much lower fee than I would have if I'd gotten it through the correct county's office.

So here is the follow up on NY"s inspection of motorcycles for 2023 and so on. As I don't have an inspection license, I am writing from memory of what my shop owner friend told me.

NY now requires motorcycle inspection stations to have a dedicated computer to read the vehicles computer for emissions. If you don't have a computer, you can still get an inspection sticker. The problem is now that small shops like my friend's don't do enough inspections yearly to justify the cost of the computer system. LOL, since he only works on airheads that has never been a problem.

Also, inspection stickers used to come in a booklet or package form so many stickers per pack and could be ordered by book, excess stickers at the end of the year could be returned for credit toward the next year. NOW the state is going to an onsite printing system, stickers will be printed on site. LOL, I can't wait to see this as I recall the state's mishaps when it changed the glue many years ago to hold the registration stickers in place.

So for the $2 per inspection profit, the changes make it not worth doing. Oh yes, NY still allows older bikes to pass without turn signals as long as the bike was manufactured that way.

For rider test, I had to have a mate follow me in a car, who had to be motorcycle endorsed. The tester, road with him in the car. If I had failed the test, my mate would have had to ride the bike home. I did well, passed first time. St.
I know one thing if I took my bike to get it inspected and he just put a sticker one it without doing the inspection. That would be one place I would stay away from to get work done.

I am amazed at times the number of cars, trucks and bikes I see sporting brand new inspection stickers that have obvious safety issues. My local shop owner occasionally ran into bike owners stopping in for a "quick" inspection only to find he went by the book. His reason is simple, LIABILITY! If he were to put a sticker on a bike with bad tires and that rider went out and killed himself or someone else, dollars to doughnuts a lawyer would sue the shop.

I can say back in the day, I NEVER issued a sticker on a car that wouldn't pass, not even for my family or best buddies. St.
My last two years of inspections on a 40 year old bike have consisted of garage owner inputting info into system, taking my money, and applying the sticker, which he says by law he is required to do himself.

Nothing inspected on the bike whatsoever.


My brake lights pulse a few times before a steady red-intentionally. One local inspector won't pass it that way- another guy will. Son's 78 CB750 chopper has a clown horn (legal by a careful reading of inspection law) and no turn signals (also legal because of year)...same no pulse guy won't pass him- even when he showed him the inspection law- (which he carries incase of a traffic stop). The other place inspects the bike, admires the build and puts the sticker on. This year there was some exhaust noise/no aftermarket pipe thing...I know some of you guys approve, but on a beautifully built piece of art, (pipes aren't THAT loud) it's getting intrusive...supposed to be a safety inspection not a "we don't like that mod" inspection.
FMdual (above) corrected me on signals on a 78 CB750. He said they DID come factory with them, so technically, by inspection, the chopper should have them. I stand corrected. The law is sort of...ummmm not really...ambiguous... along with requiring if it had them originally, there IS a cut-off date for signals. Nevertheless...FM is correct, an I have used up my one misspeak for 2023....damn that was fast.
Look at the exhaust and air cleaner, they have to be EPA approve since the mid 70's. You not allow to remove or tamper with them. To me it would be simple if they don't have the EPA approve parts on them, no inspection. Look what EPA finely doing to the company's selling tuning. They are going after everyone involve, stop the sales on Ebay. As far as the equipment goes for inspection on motorcycles in N.Y. depending on what system you go with. You can get away as low as about $300 and go as high as $1900 and high if you want a cabinet for the set up.
It appears that not that many states actually require a safety inspection 🧐

Some just require an emissions check from time to time and some only in specific counties in that state.



OM, that info you reference must be at least six years old. It is partially incorrect for my State, NH. I suggest that readers use it for reference only, and actually go to their State's website for inspection requirements.

Glad I live where I live with no inspections. Both my bikes no longer even have O2 sensors and run perfectly. The FJR ECU has been re-programed by a long time tuner and just is nothing short of perfect. The BMW being one of the first oilheads was really easy just had to remove the code plug and it no longer even sees an input from the O2 sensor at all so out it came. Result is perfect running made even better with a Dominator muffler to eliminate nearly all back pressure. I wouldn't trade it for a new BMW if you paid me. Actually same goes for the FJR. I suppose the downside is if I wanted to sell either bike my potential buyers would be limited but....oh well.:laugh
OM, that info you reference must be at least six years old. It is partially incorrect for my State, NH. I suggest that readers use it for reference only, and actually go to their State's website for inspection requirements.

What did New Hamshire change??
Glad I live where I live with no inspections. Both my bikes no longer even have O2 sensors and run perfectly. The FJR ECU has been re-programed by a long time tuner and just is nothing short of perfect. The BMW being one of the first oilheads was really easy just had to remove the code plug and it no longer even sees an input from the O2 sensor at all so out it came. Result is perfect running made even better with a Dominator muffler to eliminate nearly all back pressure. I wouldn't trade it for a new BMW if you paid me. Actually same goes for the FJR. I suppose the downside is if I wanted to sell either bike my potential buyers would be limited but....oh well.:laugh

My early 94 R1100RS never had an O2 sensor from factory.

We have no inspections either except for first time registration of used vehicles from out of the province. Some insurance companies will ask for a safety inspection on older vehicles to insure them.
Inspections…….sure……a PITA, an extra expense and add a slice of revenue enhancement for the state. These are the troublesome aspects of motor vehicle inspections.
The inspections do provide a level of protection against the people that don’t do any maintenance or don’t realize that there is important parts of motor vehicles that need to be looked at.
When I am in state without inspections I can usually tell by the increased quantity of “beaters” being driven…..you know, the ones where after an accident the driver just walks away.
This bleeds over to the requirements for having “uninsured motorist” insurance, a topic for another thread.

Inspections…….sure……a PITA, an extra expense and add a slice of revenue enhancement for the state. These are the troublesome aspects of motor vehicle inspections.
The inspections do provide a level of protection against the people that don’t do any maintenance or don’t realize that there is important parts of motor vehicles that need to be looked at.
When I am in state without inspections I can usually tell by the increased quantity of “beaters” being driven…..you know, the ones where after an accident the driver just walks away.
This bleeds over to the requirements for having “uninsured motorist” insurance, a topic for another thread.


Oh man that's for sure and where I live the beaters often come out of the old proverbial woodwork.

I must amend my previous post and say that if somebody gave me a new BMW R1250RS I wouldn't turn it down. lol..lol.. Also, the price on the new model really isn't too far afield in comparison to other makes. OK, I wouldn't mind a test ride. My main issue is dealer support anywhere near where I live. Like with my '93 R1100RSL I'm really on my own.
All right, headed inland tomorrow morning and going to test ride a new R1250RS. I admit to being curious about the wetheads since '14. Going to find out what it's all about. Newest BMW I've ever ridden is my departed '04 R1150RT which I really never liked from the beginning. Problems all the time but as I think I said somewhere I did get very proficient at removing and installing all the tupperware over and over and......... I really don't like the idea of not being able to obtain service info although I understand why that being complexity to the umpteenth degree and lack of special shop tools and test equipment. Also, I don't like at all having to depend on any dealer for so much and what it costs to play this game and all so I can cruise down the highways of life on two wheels. But at least if I take this test ride I'll know a wee bit more about what I'm forever howling about.

Think I'll sleep on this test ride and see how I feel in the AM. The dealer is expecting me, we shall see.

02/08/23, next day: Couldn't maintain enough interest to bother so called dealer and canceled. On the slim chance I would like the bike I wouldn't buy one anyway just no way at this stage of the game. Also, I wouldn't trade either of my two bikes for a new RS or anything for that matter to be honest.
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